011, "𝗜 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗬𝗼𝘂"

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Chloe knew how things had been. She and Mark hadn't talked at all. She felt bad knowing that she blamed herself for things ending up like they had.

Chloe knew how deep down she was in love with him. But she didn't want to hurt Jackson. He had been so good to her. He made her smile. And she just didn't want to hurt him.

She knew all too well what it was like to be hurt. And she couldn't do that to him. She knew that she wanted to be friends with Mark. But too much had happened. And Chloe wasn't sure where they stood anymore.

Her head was a complete mess. And she couldn't stop overthinking. Chloe was highly sure that if all of what had happened, had happened at a different time, she would have happily told Mark she loved him too.

But now she couldn't. She just felt as though it was too much for her. And she just wanted things to be simple. But more importantly, she wanted Mark to be okay.

The door opened and Ellie walked in. She smiled. "Hey Chloe. You okay?" She asked.

Chloe nodded and smiled. "I'm good. I know things aren't easy at all. So I'm just trying to focus on the good. I have Jackson. And I'm just... I want to be friends with Mark."

Ellie looked to her. She knew how much Chloe had been through lately. And she knew that she was happy how she had overcome the whole Mark thing.

"You and Derek. How's that?" Chloe asked.

Ellie nodded. "It's good. It's actually really good. I know we've been through so much together. And we've finally overcome it all. I just... I want to be happy. And Derek makes me happy," she told her.

"Good. You and I both know you deserve to be happy," Chloe said as she took a sip of her coffee.


Mark walked over to Chloe. "Hey, Robbins. Do you know anything about putting together cribs?" He asked.

Chloe frowned. "You bought a crib?"

Mark shrugged and smiled. "Well, Sloan's coming home tonight, and I got it put together, but it wobbles. And it can't wobble. Now will you take a look at it?" He asked as he looked to her.

Chloe laughed. "You're like a sweet, nerdy dad now. I don't even recognize you," she said. "I'm glad we're friends again. I missed you," she said.

"Well," Mark said. It was then that he saw a blonde at the nurses station. "Who's the brunette?"

Chloe shrugged. "I don't know."

Mark nodded. "I may be a dad, but I am a single dad. Excuse me," he said as he walked over to her.

"Okay. Now... now I recognize you."

Mark approached the blonde girl. "It must, uh, suck to work on Valentine's day. I don't believe we've met," he said.

Lexie frowned as she turned to look at Mark.  "Aah! What'd you do to your hair?!" He asked.

Lexie rolled her eyes. "I changed it. I ... I colored it. I just ... Wait. You thought I was someone else. You didn't know it was me and you were hitting on me?"

Mark shook his head. "No, no. I pretty much thought you were, you know, just some blonde," he said.

"You are hypocritical. And slutty."

"And you are no blonde. Blondes are badass and fun. And... you're a brunette," Mark said.

"Well if I colour my hair, you'll think of me instead of Chloe," Lexie said as she looked to Chloe who stood watching.

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