012, 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸 & 𝗧𝗲𝗱𝗱𝘆

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Chloe knew how she and Mark had gotten a lot closer since she had been there for him when he had found out Sloan was giving her baby up for adoption.

Chloe couldn't help but feel like things with her and Jackson were fizzling out. She knew that she wanted to be friends with Mark. But she also wanted to make it with Jackson.

Her head was an absolute mess. But she knew Mark needed her support. Despite all that had happened there. Chloe was still hurt about how Mark had chosen Lexie over her. But she was slowly moving on.

Ellie walked into Chloe's bedroom. She smiled to her. "Hey. You good?" She asked.

Chloe nodded. She sat up and sighed. "Yeah. Jackson and I had a row last night. So we've been talking to try and fix it."

"What about?"

Chloe shrugged. "He thinks I'm in still love with Mark."

Ellie nodded. She sat on the bed with her. "And... are you?" She asked as she looked to her.

Chloe again shrugged. She sighed. "I don't know. I think I might be. I don't know, I just... he's going through a lot at the moment. And i wanna be there for him as his friends," she told her.

"Then be there for him as a friend. You have a good thing with Jackson. It would be a shame for you to lose him," Ellie said as she took her hand.

Chloe smiled and nodded. Knowing Ellie was right. But she was still feeling ever so torn and conflicted.


Callie walked into Mark's apartment. She saw him working out. "Today... feels like the day to me. I think by the close of business today, I've got cartilage in the bottle," she said.

Callie turned to see Mark who looked miserable. She frowned as she looked to him. "What's with you?"

"You and Derek. You're all "don't screw the nurses and the drug reps". You did a psych rotation. You know what happens when you tell someone to not think about an elephant? You spend a lot of time thinking about an... I walk around the hospital. Trying not to make eye contact with the women. I'm... lonely and unhappy. I don't see how this is a solution," Mark said.

Callie rolled her eyes. "Find a grown up who wants what you want. And date. Like a grown up. Lexie is too young for you. She won't want what you do."

"I don't know what that means! You never liked Lexie cause she's not Chloe," Mark said as he looked to her.

"I liked Lexie."


Chloe was standing with Alex. They were talking about random stuff. She smiled as Jackson walked over. "Hey. Is everything okay?" She asked with a smile.

"This um patient. I can't find the heartbeat."

Alex rolled his eyes. "So call the morgue. 40-watt," he said as he looked to him.

Jackson looked to Chloe. Knowing she was the most responsible one. "He's not dead. He's sitting up. He's talking," he told them.

"Dude. You're lucky you have a famous last name," Alex said as he went to walk off into the room.

Chloe followed him. "Are you forgetting my sister is Arizona Robbins? Famous last name too," she told him.

DENIAL, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now