05, 𝗛𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴

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Chloe paced Ellie's bedroom as she looked today. "Tomorrow is the day where it all changes. We have to deal with Mercy west. I am not looking forward to this. I can't deal with this crap," she told her.

Ellie smiled. "Are you okay? I know that Sloan and Lexie are official now. And you're getting over him," she said.

Chloe shrugged. "What can I do? Sloan wanted Lexie. I can't change that. But he doesn't even talk to me anymore. So, we're done. We have to be," she said as she looked to her.

Ellie knew how Chloe was in love with Mark. But he was now with Lexie Grey. And Ellie knew how it was hurting Chloe. She just made out it wasn't.

"Chlo. You can talk to me you know. If you're upset about the whole Sloan thing," Ellie told her.

"I'm not upset. I'm fine. Mark and Lexie... they're good together. Did I want him? Yeah. Will I get him? No. So I have to move on. And hopefully I'll find my Derek waiting for me," Chloe mumbled.

Ellie saw the tears in Chloe's eyes. She felt bad for her. "Chlo, talk to Sloan. I'm pretty sure he's not even in love with Lexie."

"No he is. It's cool. I'm okay," Chloe said as she left the bedroom. She didn't know how to handle it all.

Chloe Robbins was in love with Mark Sloan. And he was with Lexie Grey.

Derek walked into the bedroom. He frowned. "Is Chloe okay?" He asked.

Ellie shook her head. "No she's not. I could kill Sloan for this. I've told him Chloe's in love with him. But he's too busy over little Grey. Derek, I don't know how I can help her," Ellie told him.


Derek walked into Chloe's bedroom. He saw her crying. He walked over and sat with her. "Chloe?"

"I miss him. Like I really really miss him," Chloe sobbed. She felt Derek wrap an arm around her. "I waited too long to tell him how I felt. And now he's with her."

Derek held her close as she sobbed. He had never seen her looking so hurt before. "It'll be okay."


Chloe got to the hospital. She saw Ellie who was waiting for her. She sighed. "You're late. And you left before usWhat's wrong?" She asked.

Chloe shook her head. She wiped away her tears as it was obvious she had been crying.

Ellie wasn't stupid. She knew it was over Mark. And Ellie wanted nothing more than to bang his head against the wall.

"So I spoke to Callie last night. About the Mercy West residents. And they apparently don't suck," Cristina said as she looked to her two friends. "Chloe and Ellie are both safe because they're Arizona Robbins family. Everyone loves someone who saves a dying child. Ellie is safe because of basically being married to Derek. Plus you, angel eyes is the one who wants become double board certified OB and Trauma."

Meredith nodded. "It's true. And she's McSteamy's girlfriend. Have you seen his puppy dog eyes when she's around?"

"Yes. He has to be near her," Cristina said as she looked to Chloe.

Chloe rolled her eyes but scoffed. "I'm nothing to Mark Sloan anymore. So why don't you literally shut the hell up," she said.

Cristina rolled her eyes. "Could have fooled me."

Ellie could tell that there was something wrong with Chloe. But it wasn't going to be easy to get her to open up.

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