010, 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

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Chloe knew how things had been since Mark had told her he loved her. She had told him she couldn't just break up with Jackson. Knowing how much he had been there for her.

She knew that it wasn't easy at all. And part of her was thinking what if. But it was so hard to say what would happen. She knew Lexie had been telling everyone she was in love with Mark still.

Chloe hated how complicated things were. Mark wasn't talking to either Chloe or Lexie. And Chloe felt like she was to blame for it.

She was happy with Jackson. Or so she thought. And she just wanted to focus on that. To build on that. Knowing that he wouldn't hurt her like Mark had hurt her in the past.

All she knew was that her life was complicated. And she just somehow had to move on from all that had happened. Even if it meant leaving Mark in the past.

Chloe was sitting in the kitchen that morning. She looked up as Derek walked in. "Good morning. You okay?" He asked.

Chloe nodded. "I'm good. Just thinking. And it's hurting my head. We know how thinking physically harms my head," she said

Derek smiled and nodded. He knew that things weren't easy for her. He knew all she had been through with Mark. And he felt bad for her.

Derek knew all too well how Chloe and Mark were in love with each other. But both of them were always in denial about it. "You'll be alright Chlo. You're tough," he said.

"Ya think?"


Chloe smiled and shrugged. "Thanks Shep. You're not too bad," she joked as she hugged him.She


Chloe walked down the corridor with the other residents. Jackson turned to Chloe and Ellie. "Either one of you know what this big meeting's all about?" He asked.

Charles looked up. "I heard there was a coup. Webber's out. Shepherd's in," he told them all.

Reed frowned. "Is that true?"

Chloe shrugged and sighed. She wasnt in the mood for gossip. "We know what you know," she said.

Jackson raised his eyebrows at his girlfriend. "Bull. All right?. Your aunt is married to the guy. You expect me to believe you don't know what's going on?" He asked.

"Don't you have your own loser friends to talk to?" Alex said. He knew he and Chloe were friends. And they had been through a lot together.

Charles nodded as he looked to them. "I also heard Shepherd plans to clean house."

Jackson turned to Alex. "Maybe he'll start with you," he said.

Alex rolled his eyes. He saw Bella looking ahead. "Dude, I'm safe. The guy is my roommate. You're the ones who should watch your backs."

"Why? What do you know?" Charles asked. Knowing he wanted to know if he had a job.

Alex shrugged and smirked. "Simple math- Shepherd hates the merger, You're from mercy west, you're toast."

DENIAL, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now