08, 𝗦𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗻 𝗥𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘆

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Chloe and Jackson were lying in bed together. She looked to him and smiled. "You wanna know what was happening with Mark and I?" She asked.

Jackson nodded. He knew there had been something there with the girl he was sort of dating and Mark Sloan. But he didn't know what. "Yeah."

Chloe sighed and smiled. "Okay. You know he's best friends with my sister's girlfriend? Well, he and I used to sleep together. Almost every night in fact. I was in love with him. And I wanted to tell him. But he told me he was in a relationship with Lexie. So, that's it. That's all there was between us," she told him.

"You're not in love with him still?" Jackson asked as he looked to her.

Chloe shook her head. "No. I am definitely not in love with him anymore. I've moved on. He's with Lexie Grey. And I'm with you. Trust me. It's all okay," she said.

"Good. Because I really like you Chloe. And you deserve to have someone who doesn't treat you how he did," Jackson said.

Chloe smiled and nodded. But she knew she was 100% still in love with Mark Sloan. She just needed to somehow forget it. She needed to focus on making it work with Jackson.

Jackson looked to her. "What are you going for thanksgiving?" He asked as he kissed her neck.

Chloe smiled. "Spending it with my sister no doubt. Just hope Lexie Grey isn't there. She's all over Sloan. And it's weird."

Jackson nodded. "I'm spending it with my mom. Lucky me," he joked as he looked to her. "I mean it Chloe. You're amazing. And if Sloan can treat you how he has, then you deserve better."

"You're so sweet. You know that?" Chloe said as she got out of bed and walked into her bathroom. She felt tears as she thought of Mark and how she missed him.

But Chloe wanted to make it work with Jackson. Knowing he was treating her like she truly deserved.

"Chlo. You okay?" Jackson called.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Just kicked my toe up. Kinda hurts," Chloe lied. Knowing she couldn't tell him she was crying over Mark Sloan.


Chloe and Ellie were standing in the pit. Ellie looked to her. "Why do you look like you have a spring in your step?" She asked.

"Well I may have had amazing hot sex this morning," Chloe said with a wink.

Abby groaned. "Eleanor. I don't need to hear about you and Blue eyes having sex. It's bad enough I hear it sometimes."

"Now you know how I feel with you and Derek. McDreamy clearly knows what he's doing."

"Oh he does. He leaves me a wreck unable to move," Ellie told her.

Chloe looked up as a young blonde girl walked in. She looked familiar. But Ellie couldn't think where she had seen her before. "Excuse me?" She said as she looked to Alex. "I'm looking for Dr Mark Sloan?"

Chloe frowned for a moment. Alex looked around. "You see the dude who was burned trying to deep fry a turkey?" He asked, at her nod, he continued. "Sloan's the guy making him scream like a girl."

"Someone else made Chloe scream this morning," Ellie mumbled. Frowning when Chloe elbowed her. "I'm not wrong am I?"

The blonde walked over to Mark. She took a deep breath. "Dr Sloan?"

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