015, 𝗜 𝗔𝗺 𝗦𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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Chloe sighed as she walked into the apartment. She saw Ellie who was looking at her. "What?"

"Where have you been? Derek has been worried about you," Ellie told her.

Chloe smiled. "I've been with Mark. He needed someone to talk to. Nothing happened. We just had pizza and talked," she told her.

Ellie nodded. She knew how she was worried about Chloe. And how close she was getting with Mark. "Are you and Sloan together?" She asked.

Chloe sat down and sighed. She smiled. "No. Too much happened there. So I just want to be friends. I mean, he broke my heart didn't he?"

Ellie nodded. She looked to her. "I want you to be happy. You and Mark, you make each other happy," she told her.

"You think?"

"Yes. The way he looks at you, it's like there's no one else in the room," Ellie said.

Chloe blinked and grinned. "You've had too much of McDreamy. Does he still want babies?" She asked.

"Only one. For now. My vagina won't cope with more than one. I feel traumatised at the thought of a child with Derek's hair squeezing out," Ellie said.


Chloe walked into the hospital. Ellie walked over to her as she had arrived before Chloe to spend some time with Derek. "Hey. We have sensitivity training. Courtesy of my handsome husband," she said.

Chloe blinked a couple of times. She groaned. "Since when did I need sensitivity training? I am sensitive. I helped my ex sex friend deliver his grandchild. Don't think you can get more sensitive than that," she said.

"Speaking of Sloan."

Ellie walked off as Chloe turned to see Mark. She smiled. "Oh. Hi. How's Sloan?" She asked.

"Her mom took her back with her. Thought I'd check how you're doing," Mark said as he looked into her eyes.

Chloe smiled. "I'm okay. I'm worried about you. You're the one I'm worried about. Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm good. I'm fine. Chlo..."

Chloe looked to him. She sighed and smiled. "I gotta go. Derek seems to think I'm insensitive. Go figure," she told him as she kissed his cheek and walked off.


Chloe yawned as she sat in the lab for the sensitivity training. She was bored and tired. "When is this torture going to end?" She mumbled as she looked to Ellie.

Ellie smiled as she looked to Jackson. "Wake up."

Bailey turned to them. "Huh, reaction, observation, communication, any questions so far?"

Everyone but Chloe all raised their hands. She wanted to be anywhere but there.

"We are doing this because chief Shepherd suggests we brush up on our patient sensitivity skills, that's why. And it just so happens, this morning was a very good time; besides, half of you were raised by wolves."

Chloe raised her eyebrows and smiled. "If we're being technical, I was raised as an army brat," she said.


Bailey glared at Chloe. "You're not funny Shepherd. Keep your face impassive. Whether prompted by a patient's appearance or lab results, facial expressions of surprise, concern, disgust, and etcetera can be counterproductive." Uh, la la la la la ... Jokes. Don't make jokes about patients, not in front of them, not even in private," she told them.

Cristina raised her hand. Chloe turned to her. She rolled her eyes. "Course it's you," she said.


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