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Chloe had no idea why. But she had changed her mind about leaving. She didn't know if it was going to be easy. But she didn't want to leave.

She knew the reason she wanted to leave was down to Arizona and the fact Arizona was actually her mom. But she couldn't let it drive her away.

Chloe knew Arizona had gone to Malawi. Callie hadn't gone with her. They had broken up at the airport. Chloe didn't really care. She wasn't in the mood for any of it.

Chloe knew that Mark had told her he didn't want her to leave. But she didn't know. Webber had told her that she didn't need to leave. She could stay. And Chloe wanted to. But she was scared that she was going to be alone.

She felt like everything was too much for her at the moment. And she didn't know what more she could do.

Chloe sat in bed and sighed. She saw a text from Webber confirming she had the day off. He wanted to ease the pressure on Chloe and make her feel like staying was the right choice for her.

Chloe checked her phone and saw a text from Derek.

Little sister, we're going to Joe's. You're coming too/ Derek x

Chloe smiled. She loved how Derek always called her his little sister. She knew she was thankful she had him in her life. And she was glad he made Ellie happy.


Derek walked into his room. He saw Ellie asleep  covering her head with a pillow. "It's night of the living dead out there."

Ellie groaned. "I'm still sleeping," she mumbled.

"A whole day happened while you were sleeping. Let's see. I did three aneurysm surgeries. I consulted on a massive spinal tumor. That was neat. Got the Phillips grant. And oh, by the way, the, uh, soup of the day in the cafeteria was potato leak soup," Derek told her.

Ellie shot up and smiled. "You got the grant?" She asked.

Derek nodded. "Yeah, I got the grant."

"You got the alzheimer's grant?"

Derek smiled to her. "Yeah, I got the alzheimer's grant. Mark is putting together a little celebration at Joe's. Chloe's gonna come too. Webber gave her the night off. Something about her wanting to leave. But I would much rather celebrate here with you."

"I am late for work. Gotta love the night shift. Proud of you."

"Thank you."


The residents arrived at the hospital, where the attendings had gathered, prepared to leave together to go to the bar. Chloe was already at the bar waiting for them.

Mark frowned as he looked to April who was yawning. "Did you just yawn? Was that a yawn?" He asked.

"Don't tell us that you're tired after getting to sleep all day," Teddy said as she looked to them.

Alex rolled his eyes. "It's not as easy as it sounds," he told them. He looked around. "Where's Chloe? She's not here."

"Not easy? Not e ... when I was a resident, I actually worked for a living. I did every other night call for five years. There were days that i didn't go home for 72 hours. I loved it."

As you trudged through the snow while you whittled your own scalpels," Alex mumbled under his breath.

"Sorry. I didn't quite catch that, Karev."

"Uh, Karev, I need you to follow up on my post-ops. And here. Take this research. Divide out all the fistula cases."

"Avery and little Grey, hunt is wag for you in the pit."

DENIAL, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now