Chapter 171 Miraculous Black Wind Cliff

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"Dragon kudzu insects only rely on smell to identify them. There is no such thing as hearing and vision, so they cannot be considered real bugs. " Gu Yao added.

The further they walked, the wider the space became, and more and more light blue light appeared on the ground. The four of them also increased their alertness. The cat's eyes were round and green, which looked strangely penetrating in this place.

Chi Changye's ears twitched and he immediately said, "Come on, sprinkle it out!"

The four people formed a circle back to back, and the powder in their hands immediately spread in different directions, and they heard several falling sounds. After spilling most of the powder in his hand, Gu Yao was very excited when he saw the weird-shaped bugs falling on the ground. Xu Chen in the space was not much better than him, even if this limb-sustaining pill was useless to him with only his soul, he can't help but get excited.

Gu Yao hurriedly took out several jade bottles and threw them to his companions: "Quick, you must collect the dragon's blood immediately, otherwise it will lose its effectiveness."

So Chi Changye stayed behind to be on guard, and Gu Yao and the other two immediately harvested these dragons. The lives of the kudzu bugs are at risk. There are hundreds of kudzu bugs here. It's no wonder that even Xu Chen is extremely excited.

Holding several bottles of Dragon kudzu blood, Gu Yao was satisfied. This was enough to refine hundreds of limb-extending pills. When the excitement gradually calmed down, Gu Yao made a decision.

He took a deep breath and said: "Let's go. Well, there is a lot of dragon kudzu blood, and the limb-extending pill is not suitable for flowing out in large quantities."

He boldly guessed that the dragon kudzu insects living in this kind of place are related to the environment of Heifeng Cliff, and there may be something important in it. Only treasures can give birth to these kudzu bugs. The treasure must be more precious than the kudzu bugs, but once the treasure is taken away, the kudzu bugs may be eradicated here. After thinking about it, Gu Yao still tried his best to restrain his greed and forcefully pulled back the foot he was about to step out. Even if all the dragon kudzu blood was used up, he could come back and get more as long as something or someone kept rooting.

Chi Changye smiled and said, "Okay."

Although Tian Feirong and the little fatty were a little regretful, they always relied on the opinions of Chi Changye and Gu Yao. Besides, they didn't know how to make elixirs, and if Gu Yao couldn't refine them they will lose their Limb Renewal Pill, so there is no need to continue. So the four of them turned back together and did not go any further into this narrow mountain crevice. However, Chi Changye looked back after taking a few steps. For some reason, he had an intuition that going deeper might be detrimental to them. There seemed to be a presence inside that was enough to threaten him, although it was just an illusory and helpless existence. He caught the intuition without finding any clues, but he still followed his intuition and was not likely to stay here too long. Getting closer and closer to the entrance, the four of them were in a good mood, chatting and laughing, and the cat cub was also stepping on Gu Yao's shoulders very actively.

Suddenly, the cat's whole body became furry. At the same time, Chi Changye tale a step forward, blocking Gu Yao and the others behind him, a purple light jumped out from in front of him and hit the entrance. "Boom!"

The gravel flew and the black wind raged. At the same time, accompanied by a muffled sound, a black figure quickly retreated. Gu Yao quickly took a shot of the spiritual talisman and put up a protective shield to resist the flying rocks and black wind. The spiritual talisman was activated with spiritual consciousness, and its effectiveness in a place like this was incomparable to that outside however, it did play some role. It took a while to calm down, but the black wind outside became much more violent because of the movement, and it seemed that a violent storm could brew at any time.

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