Chapter 253 - 265 Lingyun Sect

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Although Gu Yao has a certain presence among the Yuanying cultivators of Lingyun Sect because of Qingluo Dan, its still early for him to enjoy the same treatment with other sixth-grade alchemists. Compared with Gu Yao, a newcomer who only has the same results as Qing Luo Dan they still trust Yin Shihai and these sixth-grade alchemists more. Therefore, although the disciples have arranged to come over, they don't have much to do. These two people are honest in their duties. When Gu Yao saw this, he occasionally gave instructions on their alchemy skills which surprised the two disciples who had just entered the golden elixir, the situation is very different between someone teaching and someone not teaching.

Gu Yao didn't have much sectarian knowledge. These two Jindan disciples were willing to learn and he was willing to teach in his spare time. Just like the relationship between him and senior Xu Chen, Xu Chen's teachings also helped him avoid many detours.

"Senior Sister Li, I didn't expect Alchemy Master Gu to have such a good temper. I was worried when I first came here."

Senior Sister Li looked at the fellow disciple aside and said with shining eyes: "Not only that, there are many people who think that as we were assigned here they are waiting see our jokes. Actually, I have to say looking at the way the alchemist Gu came, I think he is better than the sixth-grade alchemist who taught us before."

They are in Danxia Peak, as a new seventh-level alchemist usually there will be an alchemist with a higher level than them to give them intensive guidance but sometimes a sixth-level alchemist will come to give lectures and on rare occasions. The whole audience was full of people and of course Senior Sister Li would not miss such an occasion but compared with before, she felt that a few words of advice from Master Gu made her feel enlightened. When she first came here, she felt a little resentful. She thought that she and Junior Brother Song were the better performers among the same batch of disciples but neither of them had any background. When they were called and sent here, she really thought that they didn't know how to manage and had offended the talents.
But several times, she felt that she had fallen into a trap. Master Cao clearly gave them an excellent opportunity. Master Cao actually saw their performance.

Junior Brother Song also nodded repeatedly: "Alchemy Master Gu looks younger than me but I didn't expect that his powerful alchemy skills are also strong. It's really amazing. Aunt Chi really took care of Alchemy Master Gu."

The senior sister Li smiled: "Now the entire Danxia Peak knows how much Aunt Chi has taken care of the alchemist Gu, and we have also benefited from it."

Not to mention, Master Chi gave her and Junior Brother Song a few spiritual talismans which are very useful. According to Gu Yao, there is no chance that these Jindan disciples would get the talisman made by a sixth-grade talisman master. Lingyun Sect is very big, and Chi Xuan is worried that Gu Yao will get lost if he comes out alone, so she takes the time to familiarize him with the environment in Lingyun Sect as well as the Yuanying disciples of the same generation, which ones can be visited and which ones are not good-tempered and should not be approached by strangers. Right, there are also places where Nascent Soul disciples can practice and how to use them.

On the way, they couldn't help but tell many interesting stories about Chi Changye's childhood. Gu Yao listened more and more with interest. How could Chi Changye himself tell those embarrassing and stinky things in the past.
For example, once Chi Changye saw a male cultivator, he hugged him and called him sister, but it made his face darken. When he grew up, Chi Changye forgot about it but he didn't expect him to practice swordsmanship. At that time, he fell into the hands of that male cultivator. That person was a famous swordsman. During that time, he trained Chi Changye very hard.
Gu Yao imagined the scene at that time and couldn't help laughing.

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