Chapter 210 - 216 Gu Yao's Uncle

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Changxian Sect was also the rumored that the poisonous alchemist behind the scenes came from them.

City Lord Guan said calmly: "The antidote was provided by the Merchant Alliance, and Guan was also curious about who developed it. However, the alchemist himself was unwilling to disclose his identity, and Guan could not force it."

Zhang Qianfeng said: "Yes, the alchemist himself happened to pass by here when he was traveling. He was very sad about the situation here, so he wanted to do his best. The relationship between this alchemist and the merchant alliance has always been very good so he used the researched information. The antidote was entrusted to the Merchant Alliance with full authority. After Zhang learned about the matter, he rushed over without stopping. Master Han, I wonder if it is possible to verify the effect of the elixir now?"

What Master Han did not know is that before
Zhang entered the city, the elixir has been tested on poisoned monsters. Unfortunately for the alchemist, the antidote is not perfect and will leave some sequelae. After detoxifying the cultivators and monsters, their cultivation and souls will be somewhat affected. Therefore, other elixirs are needed to assist, or cultivators can practice again to make up for it.

"It also needs to be explained that this kind of antidote itself is poison, and it uses the method of fighting poison with poison, so it needs to be used with caution. If you are not infected by this kind of poison, people who use it will only expose themselves to another toxin. "

As soon as Zhang Qianfeng finished speaking, the small square suddenly became buzzing. All the alchemists from the Alchemy Hall rushed over. Some people spent a lot of energy on this, some thought of using poison to fight poison but it was not that easy to do. Right, they didn’t expect that the alchemist behind the business alliance could do it!

“Which alchemist do you think it will be? "

"It is said to be a business alliance, but it is actually related to Qianfeng Pavilion in Baihe City. Don't you know that the master of Qianfeng Pavilion is Senior Zhang? Think about which alchemist has a good relationship with Senior Zhang and City Lord Liu."

"No way. Are you talking about that Alchemist Yao? Then why didn't he show up? "

The alchemist and other cultivators here were talking about it. Zhang Qianfeng took out the elixir over there. The elixir was dark red in color and looked a bit strange. It didn't have the pleasant fragrance of other elixirs. Instead, it had a bit of a stench. Seeing this elixir, some cultivators couldn't help but subconsciously take a few steps away from the medicine. They said it was an antidote, but it was also poison. It must be very toxic.

"Wait!" Han Chi said with a sullen face, "What if after taking this elixir, not only did it fail to detoxify the poison, but instead caused the poisoned person to suffer more injuries and die, what should we do? How about letting Han test it first?"

"No.. I'm willing to let my brother try the medicine! We are responsible for the consequences and do not need Senior Zhang and that alchemist to be responsible! "

A cultivator shouted loudly in the small square, and led several cultivators out. The cultivator behind was carrying a stretcher, and a person was tied up on the stretcher. The person was still struggling, and the sound of chains clashing was heard from time to time.

"We...We are also willing to test the medicine. We don’t have time to wait any longer. City Lord Guan and Senior Zhang, we are willing to test the medicine!" Several cultivators in the crowd shouted out. The longer the poisoned person lasts, the harder it is to maintain consciousness and the situation worsens.

Han Chi's face became colder and colder, and he looked at City Lord Guan with a somewhat unkind look. If it weren't for Guan, how could such a situation arise if he set the location here and attracted so many cultivators? It left him no room for accommodation?
He waved his sleeves and said: "Then try it, you will be responsible for your life and death!"

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