Chapte 12: Serena

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I took a sip from my hot cappuccino and in a fraction of a second, got my tongue burned. Snowy white, clean, long fingers passed me tissues to take care of the mess I created.

“Be careful.”

His deep, icy voice send shiver down my spine. How can a man shake my pillars?

I determined to devote this beautiful day of mine to myself, which is directly equivalent to spending some dollars.
I was frazzled out because of those prowling, shrouded shadows. Paradoxically, the night I returned back from the fashion show, I felt as if someone is watching over me. And to be truthful, this game is exhausting me. It’s eating up my brain. I cant take it anymore.

All together, what’s the best method to burn up some bundled up stress?
Of course, shopping.
But cupids around me felt pity on me and made a decision of showering my heart with some love arrows. Concluding, brought me and Gavin face to face.

Of course, I loved the occurrence. I mean who will hate coming face to face with a handsome man and having some conversation over coffee with cookies?
But, in front of Gavin, I loose control over myself, this man is capable of making my brain stop functioning properly.

“How’s Theodore?”

I stopped midway of what so ever fuck I was doing.
Okay, it’s really awkward. I don’t want to talk about Theodore-my-friend-turned-to-fake-date.


It was more like a question than answer. I don’t know, I really don’t, what ghost possessed me that day where I didn’t cleared the fog presenting Theo as my date.
I didn’t wished to.
I don’t know. Yes, I wanted Gavin to get jealous over the thought of me again on a date.

And no matter how hard Mr. Gray tried to conceal his burning ass, he failed.


Gavin replied taking a sip from his coffee. Only to spew poison for one more time.

“He was your date right?”

Ughh, what’s his problem? Digging in to everything about him.


I replied so, so lowly that it was even barely audible to me. But instantly, my reply got Gavin’s eyes flared up with fire.

“I know he is your friend.”

My hand with cup of steaming cappuccino hung mid in the air. He knows? That means he would have already guessed that why I didn’t gave a clear reply of who he is? That means he already knows I wanted him to get jealous and all.

Oh Lord!

Oh wait!

Recovering myself quickly from my short shock I turned to face Gavin with my slit eyes. Not before securely placing my cup back on the saucer.

“How do you know?”

He smirked. Listening to my question.
Itch on my tongue wanted to add further that you checked on me and my friend. But some how I contained myself.

Even after checking on our background, this bastard had courage to smirk on my face, as if conveying,
‘Yeah this how I caught your lie.’

“Miss Serena, I am the one on questioning side. Why didn’t you answered me that day?”

I scrutinized at his perfect face. For a long, long, long time. Still nothing happened.
I don’t know, what I wished for. Probably, earth to yawn widely and swallow me up completely.
But no such thing occurred.
Meanwhile, Gavin raised one of his eyebrows with a smirk plastered to his face.
How much I wished to smack it off of him. I wish it was possible.

Clearing my throat, I open my mouth wide enough to come up with a perfect lie, yes again. But before I can utter, Gavin spoke again.

“And this time around please the truth.”

Casting his eyes low on cup of coffee, he looked at it as if is the most interesting thing to look on in the whole world.

“I..I never lied to you.”

And the artic fox sitting at my front directed his line of sight directly on me. And passed me a cunning smile.

“Is that so?”

Folding his hands and posing like some Cosmopolitan model, he enquired.

Hurriedly I got up from my seat. Might be was getting shy.
I want to escape this, this awkward interrogation.

“I will be taking my leave. I need to be at home.”

“I will drop you.”

Gavin wrapped his napkin neatly before unfolding himself up from the chair.

“No thanks.”

“Please Doctor. I insist.”

Gavin insisted but slowly and steadily another cunning smile spread across his face. And I knew, something really bad is coming out from his mouth.

“I think you will quite enjoy my company.”

Okay, tease came out. And that was quite unexpected. At least coming from him.
But the important thing here is that Gavin thinks that I enjoy his company.
I don’t.
Okay, I do. I do enjoy looking at his face for eternity long period.
But this is what is not to be known by him.
Or anyone else.

Giving him ‘Have-you-lost-it’ look, I walked off, only to get caught up by him. Once again.

“Come ‘on doctor, I was just kidding. Don’t tell me you took it way too seriously.”

Sighing, I accepted his offer. As if I had choice where he left no room. Of discussion.

“Fine. Thank you for that.”

Along the way, we talked about nothing particular. At times Gavin turns really boring. His mistake is to carry so much of aura.
His car imparted strong aroma of spice, his hard cologne and wood.
So much like him.

“Thank you so much for dropping me off.”

After exchanging goodbyes, I turned back to enter my apartment, but I froze.
Of fear.

Someone was behind me, I was able to feel my shadow’s proximate.
My breathing escalated.
My vision blurred and instantly shifted with images of blood pools. My ear filled with screeching sound of screams and gun shots.

No, this can’t happen.
I have came a lot far, I have hard worked beyond my limitations to make a life for myself.
This possibly cant happen. I tried my best to conceal myself, my identity, my old past life.

How can this happen?

But it will be wrong move to run in my apartment. I can feel them extremely near me. I wont be able to cover this distance.
My fist clenched around hem of my skirt. Trying my best to calm my nerves down.
Counting numbers from ten to one I prepared myself to face them.

Exhaling soundly, I turned myself and found them. Particularly ‘Him.’
My biggest nightmare.

“Hello darling, long time no see.”

He showcased his dirty yellow teeth and seemed as happy as if got access to his favourite flavoured cotton candy.

“It was hard to find you, but look I did.”

Dang! I am done.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine.
I hope you loved the update. If you did, please do like and leave your review.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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