Chapter 17: Gavin

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Ridding for about half an hour I brought Serena to my beautiful farmhouse. And just by the look on awestruck facial expressions she carried on her face, I knew she loved the place.

She loved the entrance, she loved the garden, and the big farmhouse of mine. I gave her detailed tour of the house and every corner she looked with astonishment. Specially the kitchen.
When finally done with the house tour, I brought her to the backyard, with kitchen garden of different veggies and an attached swimming pond. Beyond the large pond, there was a forest margin, and we didn’t had any boundary separating us from forest other than the pond itself.
Today I am feeling the decision I took years back was correct. Of not having any kind of demarcation. That is where my job will get done. And for some reason I felt sweaty palms and increased heart beat.
Why? Because I am tricking the innocent soul. She don’t deserve this but she wont agree to my other offers. So only way left along.

Serena gasped looking at the farm yard.

“Wow Mr. Gray. You have such a beautiful kitchen garden.”

She bent herself to take a clear look at the bushes of cherry tomatoes. She opened her mouth wide to put the plucked tomatoes in her mouth, but before that I snatched it from her hand and washed it in the basin before handling it back to her.
While she stared back at me with a deep ‘V’ furrows between her brows.
Girl, wash things before putting it in your mouth.
She immediately put it in and started to chew the juicy, ripped tomato.

“I didn’t gave you tour of my pent house, it is more beautiful than here.”

“Mm, do that when I will get to visit there.”

She mumbled, inspecting the blue mistflowers. Sweetness, do you really find them more attractive than what I am saying?

“I was intended to do that. But you ran away in your prior night clothes, without even bidding a goodbye.”

I shrugged and crimson red made its way up to her cheeks, covering them as a layer of blanket. They were more beautifully prominent  with her features.
She must have gone scarlet thinking about the series of encounter we had that day. Where we shared a bed together, she was comfortably in my arms and I was inhaling her sweet vanilla fragrance.

But our great ‘Psycho doctor’ has to ruin that beautiful moment by screaming and giving statements ‘I don’t get involved with my patients’ and all nonsense. And now is blushing over the thought.
I took a step near her, and arched myself enough to reach her ears. My breaths fanned her ears, turning them more beautiful shades of red.

“But don’t you worry, I will for sure give you more chance to visit my pent house. And this time properly.”

This time I was not being dishonest. It was like a word of honour. I am going to bring her respectfully in my penthouse. And as far as tour is involved, there will be a reason for that too.

“What’s the use of blue mistflowers?”

Her question caused me to close my eyes in serious frustration. Really? This what you want to know while I am acting out of character?
Pushing aside the thoughts swirling in my mind, I straightened up myself and replied her.

“They attract bees. Helps in pollination.”

She nodded her head. Her mind was elsewhere. And I know where it was. She did asked me a question, but she clearly didn’t heard it. And the reason behind it, after all she is also a human. She also has needs. She just asked me the question so that she can avoid the situation.

This is not going to work. I have to get the job done by today. Anyhow.
Tugging her along with me, I walked by the pond. And yes I don’t have eyes on my occipital but, I know how she must me staring at my back as if I have done some high crime or have grown an extra head.

I sat by the swimming pond, dipping my feet in it and tapped on the rock by my side, indicating her to have a seat. She looked at me for seconds before settling on it, in the process submerging the hem of her flowy dress on the pond.
Helping her to settle down, I looked at her forest dark pitch eyes.

“Are you comfortable?”

She thought carefully before presenting the chain of her words before me. She must have guessed, I am not talking about her settlement.

“Can I be truthful?”

There was a lump formed on her throat, I can hear that. Although she tried best to hide the mist above her eyeballs but she hide them fluttering close open her eyes multiple times.

“Of course.”

I spoke to her in a reserved gentle voice, removing the strands of hair on her cheeks.

“I am not.”

She didn’t cried or sobbed, but tears that she tried to contain in her eyes found its way down her cheeks.
I wiped it with my index before offering her my handkerchief.

“What are you feeling?”

“I don’t know. I think, I feel unsafe after a long time.”

I wanted to offer her my protection. I wished her to live with me. But will she be the same mind as of mine. No, I can’t say that now. I will place my cards carefully.

“Who are they?”

“He was about to marry me.”

She gave me just a short information. That’s alright, we are making some progress. And that’s good from making none.

“And you ran away.”

She just nodded her head. I didn’t wanted to know why she did that or why is she hiding that from me? As the time will come she will open up by herself. She will let me know the whole insight of the story.

“And now he is obsessed with you.”


“If he ever attacks you, just do one thing. Give me a ring. I will understand.”

She looked at me as if I have sprinkled some magical glitter over her life.
I am no angel darling, I am the devil in your life.

I slowly turned my head, to face the swimming pond and looked at the forest beyond it. I saw some light fleshing far at the end of forest. I smiled thinking about the job being done.

But suddenly I felt something heaviness over my left shoulder. When I turned my head to look at the leaning figure, it was Serena’s head.
Her abuser, her kidnapping, my traps and plans, the flesh of light, everything just vanished and dispersed into form of powder in my brain.
And just one thing revolved, our proximity.

My breathing hitched, and mind went blank.
Serena, I might loose my control.

I was about to hold her cheeks when she spoke again, turning my fingers to a fist ball.

“do you also feel lonely sometimes?”

“I do.”

I replied in in a stern voice. My Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.

“What about you?”

She laughed listening to my question as if I am some five years old kid asking silly questions.

“Of course. I was single child.”

“Same here. But at least you have friends.”

She raised her head from my shoulder and looked at my eyes, wishing to absorb my pain from them. Yeah sugar! I have been this lonely.

But as she raised her head, her lips came extremely close to mine. If I would bent just inches, I will again be able to feel the soft lushes of her rose petals. For which I am dying to do that.

I bent my head and she closed her eyes. Our lips just glanced off on each other but before I can do anything further, I came back to my senses. Back to my senses from a beautiful moment. I can’t get involved with her. Or else my curse would eat her alive. Her too.
Whatever I have been doing this far was just to get my plans laid properly and get her trapped.

Straightening myself I cleared my throat. She must have felt the absence of warmth and she immediately opened her eyes. Embarrassed she got up from her place.

“Shall we get going? Sun is down already.”


I replied getting myself on my feet, anyway my work must have been done by now. The purpose for which I got her here.

Driving back, I reached at the front of her shelter and parked my car. Although the heater was blasting but environment in the car was cold. It was chilling in here.
We didn’t exchanged a word in car.

She got off before me, and shut the door with a thump, without bidding me goodbye.
Sometimes she acts so childish. I laughed at her before turning my car and went on my way to my office.
I had merely drove for five to ten minutes and I received a call from Serena. She must have acknowledged her mistake.
Shaking my head, I picked up her call and before I can reply, my biggest nightmare came undone.

I heard Serena’s voice from the other end, the quivering voice.

“Gavin, help me.”

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you liked the update and how story is progressing. If you did, do like my story, give it reviews and comment down your thoughts.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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