Chapter 16: Gavin

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I drove in full speed approaching Serena's clinic. My fingers were tightly grasping the steering wheel and eyes were straight on the road in front of me. But of all things, my mind was unconditionally, perfectly tenanted by two tenants. First, the lady by my side, Serena and secondly, few seconds ago, the moment when we a shared hug.
I was nestling against my car outside Serena's home like I did other seven days, waiting for her to come out. When she did, all I did was pass her a simon-pure smile, happy for she finally have struggled through, survived and fought her inner monster.
Happy for she finally showed her braveness.
It might be a small act, but for me it was appreciable, for she did it all alone, on her own.

But as soon as she held me by her sight, her eyes were filled with a thin shin of moisture. Walking towards me with tramping, long steps, she clutched me in her warm embrace.
I got whiff of her sweet, pure fragrance.
I felt her body vibrating and seconds after she sniffed.

"Thank you Gavin."

Managing to extract myself from the amazement of her current taken measurement, I surrounded and secured her in my long arms.

"If I had known you are longing for me to this extent, I would not have just waited for you to come out of the house, but would have bragged in the very first day."

"I was so scarred to step out."

Serena spoke between her sobs, definitely not paying attention to whatever I uttered; causing me to chuckle.

"You have me to protect you."

Our heart to heart conversation soon evaporated in the thin air surrounding us, turning it heavy and we turned tomato red when came back to our senses. Desperate to change the topic, I offered her ride to the clinic.

What else can I do in such circumstances?

In spur of a beautiful moment, I told her the truth that I had been waiting for her outside her home from past seven days and also I was so desperate to see her that I would have bragged in her home.


Like really? What's wrong with me in recent days? Why my tongue has turned buttery smooth since I have met Serena? Opening up my heart completely in front of her.

Reaching clinic, we entered her cabin, after being greeted and receiving strange gaze from her staffs. They must be wondering me to be her new fling. Or anything they wish for, they may.

"Shall we get kick started with your session?"

My mouth fell open. You are really something Miss Serena. You are the same person who was minutes ago holding me and cried because of the hanging trauma? And now. You are ready to attend your patient.

"I think today is not a good day."


She looked at me with all questioning gaze, conducting herself to be some white lily. But I am well acknowledged with the devil sitting behind those innocent eyes. She was well aware with the fact, why I wished to postpone today's session, but she want to act as if nothing happened between us a few moments ago.
Who are you trying to fool Serena?

"Fine. Let's get started with it."

She passed me an awkward smile, making me laugh. What now?
She never would have imagined that I will actually agree with her and be up for a session.
You wanted to tease me?
Well darling, I have other plans. Let me see how much of mental stability do you have.

Clearing her throat, she sat herself upright at my front.

"So, how were your last few days?"

"Full of strains, actually I spent my days waiting in front of a beautiful lady's house, so..."

I know she asked me regarding how is my mental health from the last few days, but before my brain can act smartly enough to stop this big mouth of mine, it acted upon itself.
I regretted what I spoke. But looking at her cheeks covering itself under the beautiful crimson red blanket, gave my heart a quick flip. Her blushing cheeks stole all the regret I was enduring moments ago and gave me satisfaction of another level.

God, she is so beautiful.
Making me go crazy, making me want to steal her from this world for myself. I will, soon.

Flickering her long dark lashes several times, she finally uttered, getting hold of herself.

"Well, I meant in context of uneasiness you feel. Is your mind still restless."

"No, I don't think medicines are having any effect on me."

I summarised my feeling. But to tell the truth, Serena have taken place of my medicines, specially since we kissed.
Since than, I have not been having nightmares. I am still feeling anxious, being on edge, but for a totally different reason, for Serena, for her safety. I am not venting unnecessary anger on anyone randomly. I am not having flashbacks of that particular person.

"Still I am facing difficulty in sleeping."

And that's what is actually happening. Everything is fine, but my insomnia is constant. Though I am not having nightmares when I finally fall asleep.

"Hmm, I will prescribe you new medicines."

That's it, she ended her consultancy here. One can tell her mind is somewhere else. Might be she still have not struggled through the trauma. After all, it was not some kind of mob attack. Along with mental trauma, she was also attacked physically. Although her contusions have lightened, but still she had to face these things all alone.

Our lame question and answer session crawled itself for few more meters before it collapsed badly. Where Serena asked me something, I gave her half hearted reply and she hummed in response. I can clearly see through, how her mind was fogged with something else.
And I know what that something else is.

"Mr. Gray would you like to.."

"Serena, shall we go out for a walk?"

I cut her in mid sentence, my brain would burst if I hear 'Mr. Gray tell me blah blah blah' for one more time. I have reached my limit. And, above all she is not even listening to whatever nonsense I am giving her as an answer.

Other then my short lived flirt, my offer for a walk is the only other thing that managed to draw her out of her trance.
She finally looked at me with a genuine recognition. And not just look but this offer looked tempting to her. I mean who would like to work when is mentally disturbed? I know at the very least I should not be the one to say any such thing. But I don't think Serena is someone who loves to work in such condition.
When she is all sunshine every other time, but recently is hiding behind the dark clouds.

And she was willing to hold my hand, I know, I can see that on her face, but something pulled her, something stopped her.

"No Gavin we can't. I already have taken so many days off. I can't afford anymore laziness. I can't run from my work."

"You are not running, it's just that you are taking your own time."

Listening to me, she went in a deep thought, probably she is having a change of heart.

"Taking time to heal yourself."

This hit her. Hard.
At the same time I extended my hand for her to hold on.

"It's not like psychiatrist have to be free off any mental health issues or to be up to the mark every time. They can take their own time."

My final words cleared any cloud she had, and placed her hand on mine, holding it like some promise. Making me smile.

As we approached the car, I texted him:

Me: My farmhouse, Sunset valley, Texas.

I felt bad for her. She trusted me and was ready to go with me. But on the other hand, I am basically breaking her trust. When she will come to know about this trick I played on her, I don't know how she is going to react. But for her safety, I am ready to take any step.
Stoop to any depth.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine.
I hope you liked the chapter, and if you did please let me know in the comment section.

Thank you,,
Your author,

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