Chapter 24: Serena

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Gavin’s last night statement rang like some bell on my brain. How he deceived me. He threw some precious time of his’ in my direction and I got flowed in the current of wave.
Just to spend some time with this arctic fox, I forgot that I teased him just moments ago in name of John. That I would be spending night with him for presenting me with beautiful bouquet of roses.

Cursing and mouthing profanities to my silly brain, I walked in convenience store by Gavin’s pent house. Collecting the required items from there respective places, I collected them in my trolley. Billing things out, I exited the store and walked down the street to reach the building.
But in the process, corner of my eyes caught a shadow. Shadow the lures around me in darkness. Shadow I am afraid of most.
His’ shadow.

I increased my pace and hurriedly entered the basement. I knew, if danger is hovering over my head, than its a wrong move on my end. I should have entered the ground floor and should have taken elevator up to the desired floor.
But elevator here in basement area is close to the entry and additional to that, it takes me directly in front of Gavin’s penthouse.
I looked back but found no one following me. But my guts feeling screamed in its loudest voice for me to run as fast as I can.

Turning back to was about to ran off in my maximum speed, when I felt someone tugged my arms and cause me to look back. My breathing hitched. My most horror full nightmare came true. He is here. Like a grim reaper dress in all black to take my soul with him.
My lips trembled, my throat was devoid of any voice.


I whispered and he, like some psycho, closed his eyes listening to his name from my mouth.

“Yes darling. Finally found you.”

He placed his rough palm on my cheeks causing me to flinch. I threw his hand to remove it resting on my cheeks and wiped it.

“Leave me.”

I struggled to get out of his clutches.

“I already did left you for whole of ten years. Didn’t I?”

He again held my cheeks but this time in between his fingers and thumb, causing a sudden pain to shoot as they rubbed and squeezed close to my teeth.


He left my cheeks and brought his lips inches away from mine.

“Times up sweetheart.”

I closed my eyes. Afraid of his proximity. I wished this was all a nightmare and not some shitty reality.

“You are designated to be with me.”

“Archie please. We are not meant to be together. I hate you.”

“Open your eyes darling.”

He commanded and when I didn’t gave ears to his demand, he fisted my handful of hairs and bent my head backwards.

“Open your eyes Serena. Can’t you hear me?”

As pain surged from my skull, I shot open my eyes. If he will tug my hairs with a bit more force, they will uproot in between his fingers. He smiled with cunningness dripping from his evil eyes.

“Today, I am not here to take you. Rather I am here to warn you. Its going to be a perfect warning.”

My brows furrowed. Warning?
He continued and help me to pull out of the swamp of confusion.

“You did a big mistake by dating that white ghost.”

Anger boiled within me, hearing him cursing Gavin for being an Albino. What’s his mistake if he is so?

“Let alone walk in his house like some lowly slut, you let that dickhead bastard to fuck you.”

Anger within me got out of my control and my fingers clenched together to form a fist. I will fish out his shitty walnut size brain after cracking open his skull.

“I will give him a slow poisonous death.”

And that’s it. I was done with his continuous nonsense chattering. I delivered a blow with full force I had within me, that landed on the floor of his orbit. I knew, I am not strong enough to be able to stand against this monster, but my blow ended up on the weakest point of orbit. And that means if not for fracture, least it would have cracked.


He held where I hit him and screamed like some beast. Regaining himself, he again fisted my hairs and screamed at my face.

“So now you feel anger if I curse that bastard, you bitch?”

“Archie leave my hairs.”

I cried out loud and pain caused tears to flow down my cheeks.

“But you know what?”

I looked at his direction with terror residing beneath my eyes.

“I will not take you with me today.”

My heart beat relaxed and I let out a sigh of relief.

“I will drop a bombshell today.”

I frowned. What does that mean?

“I will set a trap for him today.”

I kept looking at him, not able to bat my lid.

“As a punishment darling. For he touched you.”

He winked at me, grinning and showcasing his teeth to me.

“You can’t do that to Gavin.”

I fought back, all in vain.

“Ohh! I can see some smoke billowing up from here.”

He waved his hand above my head to remove the imaginative smoke in the air.

“I will. Whatever will happen today, will be a warning for you both.”

Laughing like some maniac he dropped me on the ground.

“Bring her. We will have some fun tonight.”

He rubbed his hands, giving me dirty looks.

“But you said you wont be taking me tonight with you.”

He sat on the ground to be on my eye level.

“And I never said I will be leaving you here. Spend some time with me too.”

He caressed back of his fingers on my cheeks.

“Bring her.”

Getting up from the ground he exited the basement area. While one of his man held my hand and tried to make me stand.

“Leave me.”

I wriggled and tried my best to get out of his clutch.


I shouted in the top of my lungs. I wished Gavin was here. I wished him to pop out of shadows like he did the last time. I don’t want to go. I don’t want Gavin to get involved because if me. If he get hurt because of me, I don’t know what I will do.

My thoughts gave me a new power, and I crying and hauling, fought back with this new energy. But I was not enough to stand against him.
But as if heaven heard my prayers. Someone hit that man on his occipital,  causing him to loose his consciousness and fall on the ground. My eyes enlarged following his fall and when I looked up back to my saviour, I found the same calm ocean blue eyes, staring down at me.
Getting up from the floor, I held him and embraced him in between my arms. I wrapped my hands around him tightly, like if I let them loose he will vanish again in thin air. I sobbed and cried, smearing my face in the process with tear.

“Husshhh. I am here, its okay Serene."

He tried to calm me down, but I didn’t let my hands slip around him. He started to tap my head and shoulder to make me stop crying.

“Everything is under control. Please calm down.”

I buried my face in his chest and let his warmth engulf me.

“Serena, please let me catch the culprit. We may extract information from him.”

I shook my head.

“ they- they have set a trap for you.”


He got confused as I got impatient to fill my lungs with oxygen and also inform him about there plan. Separating me, he held me in his arms and questioned me again.

“What do you mean?”

I shook my head, not able to find my sound, as more warm, fresh tears flow down my cheeks.

“Fine I wont go any where. First calm down.”

He again held me in his arms, securing me from this ruthless world. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he dialled a number.

“Come out of car, Pasco.”

Seconds latter a big built man, with veiny arms and big chest came in view. Looking at him, I neared Gavin by inches and wrapped my hand more tightly around his waist.

“He is safe darling.”

He tried to calm me down and when I didn’t listened to him, he exhaled loudly.

“Pasco, take him to the warehouse. I will be there shortly.”

Before he even finished his sentence, I looked at him and screamed cried.

“No. You are not going anywhere. I wont let you go. They are dangerous Gavin.”

I cried out loudly.

“Please Gavin.”

He looked at me, as if I have lost it. But not with pity filled eyes. Rather, a knowing look he passed me. As if he knew the stage I am going through. He held my cheeks and whispered.

“I promise, I wont leave your side.”

He knew, it’s going to be a long night.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you liked the update, please let me know in the comment section. (I know the update is a bit dark.)

Thank you,
Your author,,

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