Chapter 27: Serena

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“Good morning.”

I chirped morning wish to Gavin who was sitting on the dinning table while I walked down the stairs. Rather than replying me, he chomped the toast down his throat and poured coffee in the same mouth. I stood there waiting for him to reply me, but only when he was done with his chop-chop action, Lord Gavin opened his mouth to reply me.

“Good morning.”

He didn’t even turned to face me while replying. He kept his sight trained at the dinning table he was having his breakfast at.
I looked at him dumbfounded. Is he for real? Is he seriously avoiding me? And that too why? Did he forgot what we did yesterday night? It was consensual. Nothing was forced by someone. We both were equally involved in the action.
Or, does he look at it as some mistake?
What we had last night was nothing more than a mistake for him?

Crossing the hall, dragging a chair I sat across him. And he didn’t spared me a single look. He kept on chewing on his toast and gulped down his coffee.
When it turned unbearable for me, I asked him.

“Everything okay?”

“More than okay.”

He replied as if nothing occurred across us, swiping smoothly his butter knife on the toast.
Clearing my throat, I tried my luck for the second time.

“Are you sure? Did I committed some mistake?”

His shook his head declining my guess work.

“No, what possibly can you do?”


I bowed my head down. Mist covered my eyes, limiting my eyes’ ability to focus. Why is doing this again? Do I deserve this low?
Without considering me, Gavin stood up from his seat and walked to the basin, washing dishes and his hand, he was about to walk off, when I held his hand.

“Gavin, did I do some mistake? Why are you again behaving like this?”

“What am I doing?”

He questioned me bluntly. As if he is doing nothing wrong. Tears rolled down me cheeks, and he kept looking at me.
I let his hand go.

“Last night.”

I looked back at him and his eyes twitched.

“Did it meant nothing to you?”

He remained silent. He didn’t spoke a word to me. After contemplating at me what felt like an eternity, he presented me with the awaiting answer.

“It was..”

He hesitated before continuing.

“I lost myself for sometime.”

My ear went numb. I was not capable enough to perceive things further from here.

“If I got your hopes up, I am sorry. I will make sure not to repeat any such deeds.”

A new layer of moisture formed above my sclera. When my eyes were not able to contain them, they rolled down my cheeks.
Getting up from my seat, I was about to return to my room when Gavin called me from behind.


I didn’t turned back to him.

“At least have something. I have prepared scrambled eggs for you.”

If I remain some more time here in his vicinity, I will loose all my control. I might turn his porcelain utensil placed beautifully on his kitchen racks back to clay. Closing my eyes, to got my thinking straight, I whispered.

“I don’t feel like eating.”

I was about to resume my walk when he again spook from behind.

“Last night too you didn’t had anything.”

“I want to be alone..”

I turned back to face him.

“..for sometime. If you allow me to.”

He looked at me for some moments. And it was suffocating me. How much I wish to escape this area. Area where I feel like is a cobweb, trapping me in.
Nodding his head he walked off to his room and I entered mine. I laid there for minutes. Not having any particular thought in my mind. Everything was blank.
Even my sheets didn’t imparted his spicy, masculine cologne, that they carried from last night. I caressed my hand over sheet, recalling the deeds we did yesterday. The beautiful moment. It might seem as a mistake to him but for me, it was one of the best memories from my bag of collections.
I closed my eyes, snuggling in the warmth of beautiful memory lane. Absorbing and reliving the moment I had yesterday. And when I opened my black orbs back, it was already noon.
Deciding against going to the clinic and cancelling all appointments I had with patients, I decided to give myself a break. Actually a much needed break.
Walking down to the hall area, I was about to walk out of the penthouse, when last night incident flashed in front of my eyes. Incident where I was helplessly begging from him to leave me, I was calling for help, where a man manhandled me. Thoughts made me shiver. My fingers those were holding the door knob, immediately uncoiled. I took my steps back at once.

“Motherfucker have restricted me from roaming around alone.”

I screamed at the top of my lungs and threw my fist up in the air.

“I hope that motherfucker is not me?”

I turned back in the direction of voice and found Gavin standing in his casuals, with laptop in one and black coffee in other hand. I cleared my throat, hardly tearing my stubborn gaze away from him.


I entered kitchen to prepare a simple salad for myself and Gavin followed me there.

“You want to go down to buy something?”


A simple answer and I got back with collecting items from refrigerator.

“I can accompany you.”

“I don’t want you to.”

I cut open the lettuce and chopped it into small pieces.

“I can bring you items from down the store.”


I stabbed my knife on the chopping board with more than necessary force causing a loud bang sound. Leaving everything, I looked up at him.

“Don’t show your polite gestures, or I might mistake it for something that doesn’t even exist.”

He looked at me with his clenched jaw and veins popping out of his temple area. He will break his jaw if he will clench it any further.

“..And later on..”

I kept on blabbering, even after looking at how Gavin’s blood was boiling and smoke were coming out of his ears.

“ might regret it. Done with being a subject of your pity.”

I shrugged my shoulders and got back to my work. Only after shooting me with millions and billions of arrows, Gavin thumped his leg which carried him back to his room.
Preparing my salad in silence, I walked back in hall to enjoy some good movie but, Gavin walked back shredding my peace and blowing it boom in thin air. I rolled my eyes. But this time around he was back in his Armani three piece suit and his mirror reflecting shoes clicked sharply against the cold marbles.

“I am going to Modanista.”

I remained my eyes trained on the screen, as if it is something uniquely beautiful, I have never seen in my whole twenty seven years of life.

“And it’s a good thing, you got a whiff of the barrier I have been trying to build in between us.”

I looked back at him. How selfish this fox can be?

“I hope we can continue the way you described just now.”

He walked off saying his part. Didn’t even waited for me to revert back and throw my replies on his face. And I kept looking at his disappearing figure with my mouth opened ajar. I threw a pillow in his direction but, alas! I was too late and he was already out of the hall.

“Don’t you come back or I will kill you.”

I shouted and threw more pillows. Did he swear to boil my blood today?
Picking up my cell phone, I conference called Sydney and Theodore.

“Anyone up for drinks tonight?”

“Much needed.”

Theodore spoke in his deep low regular growl. Is something wrong with this bastard?

“Same here.”

Sydney too exclaimed in low voice. Now what have happened to her. I think, universe have fucked up with all the three of us. And that too really, really hard.

“Are you both fine?”

I asked them.

“What will happen to me?”


Theodore and Sydney spoke respectively and I knew they were lying.

“Fine let’s meet this evening at Moonlight Shadow.”

Deciding time and place, I danced way back to my room. Selecting the hottest dress from my wardrobe, I looked back at my reflection.
I will be going out with Theo and Sydney, so nothing to be afraid of being attacked or anything like that. Plus today I will for sure find some handsome stud to have a perfect date with. And shoo away these lingering feelings for Gavin. And once Gavin will absorb in the fact of me dating someone else, he will come to realize, how he underestimated me. And how wrong he was by pushing me away.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. Theodore mentioned here is our main lead in Ambivalent and Sydney will be female lead in my coming book based on obsessive stalker and dark romance genre. I hope you give them a chance too.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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