Chapter 23: Serena

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I ascended down to the living area wearing layered knee length dress. But Gavin was no where to be seen, and I thought of utilizing this time in having toasted bread for my hungry tummy.

“If you fill your stomach with everything here, what will you do in Blue Starlight?”

I turned back hearing the masculine, deep voice just behind me, and found him extremely near me. The shining devil behind me in white suit and glasses resting on his pointed nose bridge, took my breath away. Bread fell off my hand on the floor and I tried to adjust in the little space allocated.

“Gavin you are extremely near me.”


He leaned in to remove the few strands of hair covering my forehead. I closed my eyes, but before his fingers can brush my skin, I escaped him. I moved away from there, where he held me captive and crossed him. His hand was hanging in mid air.

“We are getting late.”

I spoke without looking back at him, my voice as freezing as the artic temperature.
I need to protect my self. I need to shield my heart from his beauty, from his game of first pulling me towards him and when I feel that yes Gavin is ready to accept me, he pushes me aside. That too in a very harsh way. And I cant afford any more game of his played with me. Not just me, but my heart too. I am done with him, I am not his toy.

Clearing his throat, he straightened himself and spoke.

“Yes, shall we?”


I nodded my head and he indicated me to walk.

“After you.”

Entering Blue Starlight, we headed in direction of our reserved seats. Throughout the way, Gavin held my waist and never let it go. After all he need to make other believe that yes, we are happy couples and were not just flirting.

Reaching the table he dragged a chair for me to sit, while he ensconced himself just opposite to me.
I dug my head in the menu to order food as soon as possible, so as to quieten down the mouse running marathon in my stomach. That was when, a red roses occupied the little accommodation in between me and menu. Raising my head I found Gavin holding the large bouquet of red roses, arranged beautifully.
My heart raced and thumped against the rib cage. Felt as if not for the cage barricading, it would have popped out of it.

“Gavin this is..”

“This is?”

He repeated after me. Deep down I knew he was just doing that to show people around us or to get captured. To put an act in front of the world that how loving, how perfect of boyfriend he is. But amid of all these thoughts, I felt like a teenager receiving her first rose from her crush.
Well there is nothing to deny about my emotions. I am receiving roses for the first time from the man I felt strong pull towards. But there is just a small alteration. I am not some teenager, high on hormones. But a grown up, mature woman acting all in awe, when I clearly know this is all no less than any theatre play.

“This so beautiful.”

“Isn’t it?”

I nodded my head, taking the beautiful bouquet from his hand and placed it in a small table by my seat.

“Thanks for these bucket of love.”

I spoke admiring the red velvets.

“They were ordered by John.”

It felt like something smashed in me. Deep down in my heart. Although I clearly knew that must be to the case. I knew, he genuinely would have not bought it for me. But it did hurt me.
But soon a smile curved the end of my lips up.
‘Sorry Gavin, it’s not that easy to break me. As it’s not just me who feels the pull.’
I took the bundle of flowers in my hand and smiled looking at them.

“Is it? Than I shall thank him.”

I looked up at Gavin. Sitting in front of me with clenched jaw, and his fingers tightly gripping the fork.


I winked at him. I knew, I had already set a fire in him.

“And don’t worry. It wont affect your image.”

I placed the bouquet back in its place.

“What do you think? Shall I do that tonight? Will it be okay if I don’t return home for the night?”

“We should order something.”

He smiled back at me. His prior aura, vexation evaporated in the thin air around us. And my soul knew, this arctic fox have already something cooking in his brain.
Instead of going to such length, he can just accept his feelings. His inclination towards me.

“Yeah do that.”

I smiled back at him, sweetly. And now I have built a strong wall around my innocent heart to protect it from this scheming witch. I have learnt to slip off his clutches.
Soon California roll, Caviche, sizzling Steaks and Flautas occupied our big table. And in complementary the Palm by Whispering Angel Rosé bottle sat on the corner of the table.
My mouth watered looking at these many dishes in a single time and my appetite multiplied by many folds on its own.

I first took Steaks to savour it juicy flavour on my tongue and to know if it’s as blissful as it is looking. But before my knife can cut through it, Gavin took my plate and placed it in front of him.

“What are you....”

“Today, I wanted to discuss things with you.”

“Please do that.”

I eyed my Steaks through which Gavin ran his knife.

“This is the last show we will be putting for reporters.”

My eyes found his’, and held them.

“After that you will continue to live with me, but I wont be disturbing you anymore with fake dates and what not.”


Is he seriously doing this?

“But please don’t date for the time being.”

Her we go again. What does he wish for? Not letting me go and still holding me with loose strands of thread.
I pursed my lips and spoke.

“Give back my steaks.”

And he promptly did that. But when my plate reached me, I noticed that he had already cut the steaks into small cubes.

After lunch m, as I dabbed my lips with napkin, Gavin spoke.

“Shall we go to amusement park?”

“Why? Isn’t this enough?”

He paused momentarily and looked at my eyes. I can loose myself in those deepest blue ocean. And would keep swimming for years.

“They are. But as friends. Since it’s a day off for you too.”

I smiled at him.

“It is. But don’t you think we are little tipsy and we shall return back and rest.”

“I will be okay. What will happen at most?”

I started to think to take his hand for some fun. He was right, what will happen at most?

“Or shall I ask my driver to follow and keep a tab of us? For extra assurance, you know.”

He smiled this time and I knew, it is not any offer to be declined.

“Fine. Let’s go.”

When we reached the park, sun was almost setting behind the horizon, and painted sky in beautiful colour that of flames.

“What should we try first?”

He questioned clapping his hand. And I laughed looking at him.


I shook my head before responding.

“You are looking like you are here for some multinational meeting.”

He stared at me and suddenly loosening his tie around collar, he took his blazer off his shoulder and folded his white sleeves.

“Is it okay now?”

“Now we are having some fun.”

I giggled holding Gavin’s hand and ran in the park.
We tried every other ride there, carousel, yo- yo, chair-O-planes. We even entered house of horror and whenever a ghost would pop out of nowhere, I hanged to Gavin’s shoulder. Thinking him to be my prince, saving me from ghosts. For snacks we had turkey leg, cotton candy and cinnamon rolls.
As the night drifted, we finally decided to return back home and last thing I recalled was, I drifted to sleep in the car. When I again opened my eyes, my head was resting on Gavin’s shoulder and his eyes were closed.
I contemplated at him for eternity, absorbing his every feature in my brain. I was scrutinizing him when he shot open his blue eyes and looked at me. I was caught off guarded.  Clearing my throat, I distanced myself from him and started to get off the car.

“I will be off to my room.”

“Let me escort you.”

And before I can argue, he already jumped off the ride and was opening my side of door.
Escorting me to my room, we bid our final goodbyes of the day.

“It was a great day.”

He nodded his head in response.

“I had fun. Thank you.”

He smiled.

“It’s okay and sorry your plans for the night got spoiled because of me.”

Winking at me he walked off in direction of his room, while I didn’t got what he meant. Closing my door, I started shedding my clothed to change to something comfortable. It was then when I perceived meaning behind his words.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you liked the update. Please do like the book and comment down your views.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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