Chapter 18: Serena

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My breathing hitched, it became more and more strenuous for me to inhale and fill my lungs with oxygen. I tried scratching the hands that were suffocating me, placed above my nose and mouth, to cease my screams.

“Stop the writhing darling, you are being hard on yourself.”

His hard member pressed on my back, causing me to gag on the thought. But ignoring the poking stick on my back, I used all my strength to get out of his hold. But his strong arms around my waist made it more and more difficult for me to get out of his paws.

Suddenly I felt his hot breaths fanning my pinna. And my head turned light not just with lack of oxygen but also because of anxiety that kept on touching a new peak every time he inched near me.

“Although your struggle is causing rush of testosterone in my bloo...”

Before he can complete his filthy words, I saw blood splatter on the adjacent wall. The dirty fingers that were covering my mouth, suddenly disappeared and oxygen rushed back in my lungs.
Gasping and wheezing, I turned back to find my victimizer laying down on the floor and clutching his bleeding head. I raised my head to see my ‘Sir Lancelot to save his Queen Guinevere’, holding a rod smeared with blood in his hand and anger pouring out of his blue eyes; as if a storm is rising in it’s worst form, from them.
I felt my cheeks warm and wet with lava pouring out of my eyes. Probably because now I knew that now I am in the safest hand in this world.

Getting off Gavin’s car I made my way to my house, when I felt someone clutching my hairs from the rear and I straight away knew who it must be. Even without looking at him, I can smell him. Somehow freeing myself from his clutch’s I ran back to where Gavin’s car was parked, but he was long gone. At once I ran further to some unknown ally way and hide myself in some under construction building I dialled Gavin’s number. He instructed me to share my location, but before he can reach me, my kidnappers found me. Only to abuse me again.
By the whole time, only one thought was revolving around in my brain, what if Gavin will not able to reach me and they take me to some unknown land. Will he ever be able to find me? Will I loose the life I made here? Will I loose Gavin?
But deep in me, I knew, my saviour, my hero, my knight in white carpet would come and save me. Even if I am in any corner of this world, he would come and save me from these demons, and here he is.

In shoot of anger he raised his hand to again beat shits out of him and even I wished that. But before he can do that, I got up from the floor and next second only thing I knew was my hands were wrapping around Gavin’s waist.

“Thank you.”

I sobbed whispered to him, before everything thing went black in front of my eyes. I passed out in fit of anxiety and relaxation.

Next moment I knew I was running in dark streets, from the black ghosts chasing me down. I turned scarce of oxygen from running, my muscles started to hurt and cramp from all running, sweat broke on my forehead. I was about to loose my balance and fall down, but a strong arm held me. Looking up I found it was Gavin holding me.

Finally I opened my eyes, to travel my soul back to present from my nightmare lane. Looking around I realised I was already in my room. Far away from monsters. And when I looked in my left I found soundly sleeping Gavin, his long figure sitting on a stool and his head laid on my bed.

His long white lashes, high cheek bone, sharp angled mandible enraptured me. I was not able to move my eyes off of him. I kept scrutinizing at him, as if I have been spell casted by this white witch.
Getting hold of myself, I tried getting up and make my self sit. But my rustle caused Gavin to wake up. Does he sleeps like a bird?

“You are up.”

As he unfolded his body, I found his prominent beauty bone, chiselled chest and undone shirt buttons to feed my desperate orbs. My eyes remained fixated at his abs. I hope I was not drooling. And even if I was, I hope Gavin didn’t noticed me doing so.
His tousled silver hairs covering his forehead and blue eyes added sparkle to the God’s beautiful artwork.
With a lot of hard work and difficulty, I finally removed my glued, hungry eyes off his body. I mean it’s natural, I am a human and Gavin has been serving his body as a scrumptious dish from a very long time now. But just to look from a far and get all my salivary glands activated, not actually serving me the dish.
God.. Serena, get hold of yourself, you suffered from anxiety fit hours ago.

“Yes, I am.”

I cleared my throat and got my eyes trained on the vase as if that’s more interesting thing than Gavin’s shining pearly chest.
He bent near me, to help me to sit and in the process his hard walled chest brushed against my shoulder, causing electricity to run in my viens. I started to sweat profusely causing Gavin to frown. Touching my forehead he spoke.

“Are you suffering from fever?”

You just stay away from me and everything would be alright.


I turned my head to the other side.

“Fine, want something to eat?”

“No I am fine.”

I didn’t turned to face him. I cant, he will laugh in my condition.

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“No I am not.”

He must be staring at me. As if I am being possessed by some ghost.


He begin to climb my bed causing me to finally turn my head to face him.

“What do you think you are doing?”

Inconceivably, I looked at him whereas he looked at me as if he is doing some casual work.

“Sleeping. I am tired of all hustle and now I need some rest.”

Shrugging he replied to me. As if he is not doing anything unusual.


I screamed and he covered his ears with his hand.

“lower your voice Serena, my ears are sensitive.”

And my emotions are sensitive too, with which you play like its a football.

“Why don’t you return back to your home?”

“I cant leave you alone. Not today and we are not arguing in this topic anymore.”

“Fine than you may sleep in the living room.”

“Why? Is heater installed all over your house.”

“I... No. I mean just bedroom.”

I stammered and was tired of his rapid fire game.

“Than will you make me sleep in cold?”

“Than sleep on the floor.”

“Serena is this the price you are paying me to save you? By freezing me to death?”

“Fine I will sleep on the floor.”

I was about to climb down the bed but Gavin held me by my arm and pulled me towards himself, causing me to collapse to his chest in the process. I hate our proximity. It’s not like I am not enjoying it but its not good for my heart.
I cleared my throat and he immediately left my arm.

“I cant let a patient to sleep on floor.”

“Fine then we will share the bed but please button up before getting on bed.”

An awkwardness stretched between us.
Getting on bed Gavin laid himself on the other side. While I covered myself with the blanket from head to toe.



“Have you ever thought of living with me? For your protection?”

His question took me back. How can I? Just to keep myself safe. Rather than that I should ask for help from Theo and Sydney.

“No Gavin. We cant.”


I felt him turning to the other side and my own mind drifted back to the sleep.

When other day I woke up, I was slammed on my face with my pictures by Gavin. To be particular our pics. At different sights. Us sitting beside swimming pond, me keeping my head on Gavin’s shoulder, our proximity where we were almost kissing, me exiting Gavin’s car, Gavin lifting me in his arms and entering my home.
What a morning. But more important, what’s the meaning of all these?

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine.
I hope you all liked the update.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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