Chapter 26: Gavin

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After coming face to face with my highest peak while traveling in ‘Lala land’  with Serena, or one may say I experienced so because of my sweetest poison; I made her sleep. Standing by the balcony, I let the heavy smokes coming out of my red butt disperse up in the air while nicotine took victoriously over my brain. My sight burned and drilled holes on sleeping figure of Serena’s.
I wished so much, to wake her up, bringing her pretty soul back on earth that’s taking a tour in the seventh sky, and get back on my business, I left behind. Plunge my hard member in her warmest hearth and go on like some wild beast for an eternity.
Tearing my gaze off her, I turned to look out of the balcony. If I wont do so, I will commit some regrettable, no turning back action. Not to forget, I have already crossed my limits today.
I crushed the cigarette butt beneath my slippers and dialled Pasco’s number. While the ring went through, I picked the butt up from floor and discarded it in dustbin.

“Any info extracted yet?”

My low growl got Pasco silent for second. And only after pulling himself out of the condition, he cleared his throat to speak.
It was too much to handle for me. First Serena’s almost kidnap, her worst-worst physical condition and as if cherry on the cake, my concupiscent session with her got me worked out. I did desired her, but never wished my lustful thoughts to come in picture, ever.
And as if all these were not enough, we have captured an uninvited guest.
I personally don’t like shedding blood like a war knight, but I am sure of one thing, my good for nothing employees have not succeeded in drawing out any useful information out of him yet.
I am damn sure, I know these pigs.



“Sir actually...”

“I am coming.”
(I know them.)

Placing a soft kiss on Serena’s forehead, I tugged her more in warm comforter and walked out of her room. On my way to the warehouse.
In anyway around if we see, it’s a good thing that I have to part my ways from her. I cant let my beast to emerge yet again.

As I crossed the concrete floor, my shoes made a rhythmic clicking sound, that echoes around the warehouse. I walked in that particular room, that stunk of blood, urine and of our unforgettable sins. Out of the room, Pasco was already waiting for me. Giving him a last glare, I looked at the direction of the door.

“Any weakness?”

“Yes sir.”

I arched an eyebrow. After all, my boys are not as useless as I picturizes them of.

“His sister, works in one of the clubs owned by Archie.”


“The man constantly buzzing around madam.”

I smirked listening to his way of describing him.

“Don’t tell me he is the same drug overloaded Archie from Waco.”

I asked taking my coat off and loosening my tie.

“Yes sir, he is.”

I halted in my pace of undoing my watch, and looked back at him.

“Why is he coming back for Serena. What relation does they have?”

“I don’t know sir. He is tight lipped about the fact. Even after immense torture, he kept repeating I will save her even if I have to sacrifice myself.”

Handing over my watch to Pasco I marched in front of the door.


I thought for some moments before turning back to him.

“Did he told you about his sister on his own?”

“No sir. We did some digging and came to know about the fact.”

I dipped my head. His words ‘save her’ meant ‘to save his sister’. But what relation may Serena have with a man like Archie. And no doubt, she knows him. Its just that she is not telling me anything about her.

“How long have Archie been here?”

“Six months sir.”

Long enough to search someone. And long enough, to know a particular pattern about someone.
Folding my sleeves, I walked in the room, where my sufferer waited for his grim reaper to arrive. But today, I took it’s place to torment him.
As I entered the room, he looked at me as if horrified. He literally trembled as if is sitting in freezing temperature. My boys actually did a good job. Blood was oozing out of several injury he had in his forehead, cuts from his arms and many more places. I smiled looking at his condition. He should have thought before grabbing hairs of my angel. Nothing can be done now.

“Hello my friend.”

“Wh..white ghost.”

He pointed a finger in my direction. His fear was clearly dripping out of his round bulged out eyes and slight shiver in his voice.

“Where is your little sweet sister?”

Skipping the ‘pleasantries’, I jumped to the fun part. That is; messing up with already scarred person. And I got the results immediately. His face turned as white sheet on single mention of his sister.


I spoke every word clear, loud and separately.

“You just have to tell me what business does Archie have got with Serena.”

He laughed like some maniac. Have I cracked some joke? Or shall I crack some of his ribs, then his laughter might disperse.

“You cant. Its near to impossible to get across any of Archie’s security, let alone get a captured bartender out of his clutches.”

I looked at him. Than I will have to blow off Archie’s mansion where he resides. Of course, to end all the sufferings.

“He told me.”

He paused before continuing.

“He told me that either I can get his chick in his car or be caught by the white ghost.”

His eyes met mine, this time full of determination.

“If I had succeeded in bringing her in his car, he will let my sister go.”

He paused again and a smile crept on his face.

“And if I remain tight lipped and die here, in that case too he will leave my sister.”

I smirked. At his childishness.

“And my friend, as far as I know Archie, he is mad.”

Picking up a tool from table I walked near him and bend down to his level.

“He is mad about his possessions and curves.”

I engaged my plier in his great toe’s nail. My calm blue eyes penetrated his brown stormy ones. He kept looking at me, turned speechless.

“He will rather kill your sister than let her go.”

And I plugged the nail out of his toe. He screamed, playing the strings of my ears. Here we go!

“It’s painful right?”

I engaged the following nail.

“I too suffered from severe pain, when you were dragging Serena like she is some cattle.”

I extracted his next nail and he screamed on the top of his lungs.

“When she was screaming for help and you showed no mercy on her.”

I again engaged next nail of his’.

“I will have to kill you even if you tell me things about Archie or not. Because you know more than necessary about me. About me, my face, my warehouse, my obsession with Serena.”

I paused.

“Almost my every secret. But..”

I halted and listening to a hanging solace, his screams dissolved and he looked at me.

“..But if you provide me with some useful information, I will for sure save your sister.”

He gulped down and his eyes filled with hope.

“So speak up. Or shall I expose your next nail bed too.”

“No.. no, please no.”

He begged cried to me. I disengaged my plier and set it aside.

“He.. he is behind Serena. He is here for her.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Well, I know that. I do have some brain and I have already guessed that.”

“He was about to marry her.”

My pupil contracted. Imagining her with some other laid got my blood to boil.

“He was obsessed with her. But she ran away. When he came to know about her being here, he established many casino branches in Austin. And when he found the correct time, he attacked her.”

I closed my eyes momentarily. What have you got yourself into Serena? No doubt my girl is the sweetest flower in garden. Everyone wants to have her for themselves.

“Any weakness of his’?”

He dipped his head.

“His money. And his ego.”

These are nothing close to materialistic items. Its going to be a long battle.

“Tell me in detail about his casinos, illegal businesses, his foxhole everything.”

When I had all information in my hand, I stood up from my seat.

“Fine. Your sister will be safe by tomorrow’s morning.”

I walked out of the room and washed my hand to drain off the blood. But it never came out. It never did.

“Take care of him.”

I wiped my hands off on a towel.

“And I want his sister out of Archie’s bar, even before tomorrow morning’s sunrays hit the earth surface.”

Wearing my watch, I walked out of the warehouse. I know tomorrow is going to be more difficult.

Next morning, I peeped out of my window at the butterflies playing hide and seek in sunrays. But my eyes found its way back to the note sitting on my work table in front of me.

“Your bad luck turned good fortune for me. I found her.”

I closed my eyes. He knows about me more than necessary. I need to finish him.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. I know its a bit dark. Sorry for that. Please let me know in the comment section how you liked the book so far.

Thank you,,
Your author,

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