Chapter 22: Gavin

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I kept staring at the sky, through the window of my office. How we have came to this? How have I came to this? This far. Where I cant control my hoof. I have begun to feel as if I am not able to do so, I don’t have that ability anymore. Everything is slipping out of my hand, like a fine sand in deserted land.
This morning, it was definitely not my intention to flirt with Serena, neither did I planned to get close to her or kiss her on cheeks. But the compulsion, the craving to be near her, to be in direct contact with her. I am not able to supress my these desires anymore.
When this morning, she placed her hand on my bare chest, it felt as if some electric current is passing through my body, emerging from just beneath her touch. My pupil dilated to pin point. And when she closed her eyes, I wished to get taste of her lush lips. Turn them red and chew on them till eternity. But as I got closed to her, a voice whispered in my head. A voice that causes terror within me. A voice that is cause of my nightmares.

‘You are cursed. You will drown everything around you.'

My eyes shot open and I hurriedly drifted myself away from her. And when she comprehended my absence; pain, hurt, anger were clearly visible in her dark black orbs. She was devastated.
One thing was evident in her deep dense black forest like eyes, she harbours the same pull, as I feel for her. Same level of attraction, affection and lust.
But what I did today, will leave a really bad, permanent impression. Not only on her, but also in our relationship.
I again lost my control when she got off my car and was heading her clinic. There was no one. Not a single person across the street. But using a non existing reporter as an excuse, I kissed her on her cheeks. But when she heard it, her anger shot and touched the sky. If I would have not rationalised my action, a new hope would have budded within her. But better to hate me, than the hanging false hopes.

I looked back at the sky, she must be happy there? Isn’t it? Sitting and looking at her son, dying and is desperate for love. She must me laughing from up above the sky, looking at my condition. Or how her random words have left impression on me. How they are scribbled on my brain.

Pulling my brain out of the depressed ally, I sat on my chair to regain my concentration to do some productive work. I kept myself busy in work, board meeting, and what not until the clock strike six in the evening. I even skipped my lunch because even a small dilly-dally is enough for my brain to wander back to Serena. And it takes every ounce of concentration to get back to the work.
I exited my cabin and immediately John appeared in front of my sight, like some genie.

“You are leaving early, Sir?”


“Any special occasion, Sir?”

I already had retrieved on my tread, but listening to his question, I halted in my pace.

“With ma’am?”

He didn’t stopped. Even after annoyance was clearly evident on my face. What does he wish for? A termination letter. I think, only after that, his burning desires to know everything will cool down.

“Make a table of two reservation in Blue Starlight, for tomorrow’s lunch.”

“Sure sir. Will you be eating there with ma’am?”

I glared at him. So much I wish I could fire him than and there. But alas! Dad will be sad.
I strode to the basement and got in my car. I didn’t felt it obligatory to give a reply to John. Other than me and Serena, John is the only one who knows about our fake relationship. After all he was the one who edited the article on behalf of me. But at times, I feel as if he knows more then necessary. But at least, he is most loyal person I have ever known. But yeah, that doesn’t mean that he can tease me using Serena’s reference.

I was forming puffs of smoke, standing outside Serena’s clinic, when I saw her coming out of it. She immediately didn’t noticed but, eventually, she did. She kept looking at me. Eyes dripping with lust, with need. If I would have been normal, only if I would have not been carrying that damn curse on my back, by now I would have slammed my lips on her rose red lips, I would have dipped my head in the nape of her neck, my fingers would have pushed their way in her top. But only if.

She closed her eyes momentarily and walked towards me when opened her lava dripping angry eyes.

“What are you doing here?”

I let the burning butt in between my lips to fall on the ground and crushed it beneath my shoes.

“Waiting for you to take home.”

She looked down at the crushed butt and stared back at me. Before her skull would crack open with anger, and so much stress, I bent down to pick it up and stuffed it my pocket.

“I can go on myself. I am capable enough. And it will make me happy if you show the same enthusiasm for our sessions.”

“I am just doing my job.”

I knew, I knew it very clearly that my replies are getting on her nerves. Her blood has started to boil and it was clearly evident on her face. But darling, I am sorry but I don’t have any other option available here for me.

“But as far as the matter is concerned about our session, when you are living with me, I don’t think we need a separate special place for our sessions.'

She blushed, even she knew it clearly that I am no more talking about psychotherapy session. But she immediately tried to shroud those crimson veil encrusting her cheek bones, but all unavailing.
Pushing me aside, she sat on the passenger seat and we rode back to penthouse.
We didn’t shared a word while our ride back. She must have made up her mind, to keep her heart in cage and not let it run wild. At least when with me.
Without saying a word she walked to her room. And we did shared dinner after washing ourselves, in the same area, but soundlessly. We didn’t spoke to each other.

After dinner she went back to her room and I went in my study room. It was then when Lord John gave me a call.

“Good evening sir.”

“Good evening.”

“Sir reservation for 12 P. M. Has been confirmed.”

“Okay thank you.”

I was about to hang up when he again spoke from the other end. This time catching my attention.

“As a complimentary, I have also added a bouquet of hundred red roses.”

I cant accept the offer immediately, or else he will know that I do feel something for Serena.

“That’s not necessary.”

“Fine I will have them cancelled.”


Before my brain can act, my tongue did. And I bite it as a response.
Clearing my throat, I spoke again.

“I mean, nothing can be done since it is booked now. So let it be.”

And before he can tease me, I hung up the call.
Taking my glasses off, I paced in long strides to Serena’s room. Knocking on door, I waited for her to come out. But minutes passed and she didn’t responded. I knocked again on the door, to receive zero response from her side.
I was about to knock for the third time when door open and before my fist can hit on her forehead, I got control on my hand.

Looking up at her, I found my beautiful angel dressed in vanilla coloured, frilly camisole, reaching her thigh. The deep V- shaped neckline of her attire were showcasing her prominent cleavage. Making my throat run dry. Her long black hairs were flowing down her waist, as if begging me to clutch and twist them around my wrist, and have my way with her.
She spoke rubbing her eyes, visibly was drowning in sleep.

“What’s wrong?”

She must have been in deep sleep, as she didn’t perceived and opened the door for wolf without wearing shrug.
‘Such a wrong move Miss Serena, when you are living alone with a man.'

“Yess.. I mean no. For tomorrow cancel all your appointments. You will be having lunch with me and after that we will spend our whole day together.”

Sleep had started to evaporate from her black stones.

“Why is that?”

“We will be giving last evidence to the world. For them to believe.”

She shrug her shoulder.

“Do what ever you wish for.”

She was about to walk off, when I held her hand. She looked back at me and this time around not, with sleep fogging her eyes.

“Serena, do lock your door before sleeping.”

I peeped in the fire burning in her eyes. Freeing her wrist from my tight clutch, she closed the door. And this time I heard her locking it.
I sat on the floor, supporting my back on the door of her room and looked down at the boner protruding out and drilling holes on my pant.

‘I need to take care of it. Urgently.’

Hey my lovely readers,

I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. Please do like the book, leave your reviews.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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