Chapter 13: Gavin

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She looked extremely adorable while flushing red.
And I had this pleasure twice in a single day or one may say thrice.
First, when I asked her why she lied to me.
Second, when I made a statement of her eventual future of enjoying my company.
And third, when I marked I was just kidding.

I never thought some day I would find someone adorable.
That too, to an extent where I am smiling on my own. In absence of any other living being. My brain has turned to a mess. A beautiful one. I am loving it.

After convincing her to accept a ride from me, I dropped her in front of her apartment. And silly she, didn’t even noticed I drove all way to her apartment without asking for direction even a single time.
It makes me laugh imagining how she would have reacted to my action, of course if would have took notice of. She would have bulged open her eyes, ready to fall off her socket and gave me looks where she doesn’t trust what’s happening.
Would have asked me,
“Mr. Gray, how do you know where I live?”

This undertone she carries, where even in her absence, I am unable to throw her out of my mind, my heart, is making me go crazy. She resides in there. She have left some deep rooted impact on me.

A smile spread across my face for one more time. How much I wish to be near her. One more time.

I was busy walking in memory lane with Serena, when something  caught by the corner of my eyes to drag my attention to it.
It was a handbag.

Serena’s handbag.

And my heart screamed ‘Yahoo’ on seeing it. Life is full of coincidences and beautiful surprises. I mean, seconds ago I was wishing to see and meet Serena for one more time, and instantly God said ‘Amen.’
He gave me a reason to return back to my Serene.

Taking a U-turn, I drove back near her apartment stepping maximum on accelerator.

And instantly my blood boiled and veins on my clutched fist popped out,  getting view of what was happening in front of her apartment.

Who the fuck are they?

One man was with tattooed arms and almost up to his neck dipped in ink was dragging Serena along with him.
But this is not the only mistake he, particularly was committing.
She was in a horrible state.
She had red fresh contusion on her left cheek bone, different areas covered in fresh wounds, sleeve of her top came undone around right her shoulder, hem of her skirt shredded, her neatly combed hairs were mess like some bird’s nest and devils fingers clutched around them.

He, he dared to commit a mistake.

Not only one, but millions.

He dared to touch my girl. This is the first and foremost mistake he committed.
A grave mistake.
He dared to harm her, injure her. Turn her arranged clothes to shreds, something unpresentable. Above all he tried to drag her out clutching her hairs.
How he dared to lie his dirty hands on her.
How he dared to lie his dirty eyes on her.

So much I wish to break every bone forming his skeletal frame structure, so much to pluck out those eyes out of socket.

More than him, those who were standing around were committing the mistake. Watching a good show.
I guess they were with him.

Calming my nerves down, I unlock car’s door. No doubt they deserved my beast form, but not here. Not in front of Serena. They will get lucky enough to see my that form of mine , but not at this vary moment.

“Don’t you think you are a bit harsh here with the lady here?”

Everything quietened around us, filthy words spewing out of that scumbag’s mouth, chattering and laughter of man, and more importantly, scream of Serena.
Instantly her eyes that were shrouded beneath many layers of fear and was overflowing with hot lava, relaxed.
Her eyes that used to look at me with admiration and lust, looked at me for the first time as if I am her saviour, her angel.

I am not your angel sweetness, rather devil lurking in shadow, who will steal you from yourself.

“Man, I suggest you not to interfere in our matter.”

He undid the clutch around Serena’s hair and instantly she fell on ground not finding enough to hold her steadily. I don’t know how much more invisible injuries they possibly might have given her.
The veins on the side of my temple popped and possibly would burst if I don’t get my anger issues under my control. The vary minute.

“Do you know the girl? If you don’t, I suggest you to keep walking and pretend as if have seen nothing.”

I kept on scrutinizing on Serena, who was huffing and panting for enough air.


She didn’t looked at me. She kept her line of sight directed to the ground. She must have lost her last hope. Her mind must be filled with unpleasant thoughts of why would a man she merely met as her patient, in shopping malls, in fashion show would help her.
But, for me she is more than just my doctor, just an acquaintance.

“I don’t only know her, but own her. She is my girl.”

This caught her attention, and she looked at me with her blood shot eyes. I held her look for minutes that felt like seconds. Everything froze around me. Only thing my brain was able to process or absorb was her sobs, her pain.

I walked in my penthouse with unconscious Serena in my arms, covered in my duffle coat.
Walking past dinning area and guest room, directly in my room, I placed her on my bed and brought the first aid box from attached washroom.

Her fresh wounds, torn cloth came in my view as soon as I removed the coat enshrouding her. And my anger shot to max for one more time.
Removing layers of cloths, I cleaned her wounds covering her arms and knees, applied ice pack over her contusion.

I got her dressed in my teas and covered her with my blanket.
Sitting in front of her on a chesterfield, my gaze didn’t flickered even for once.
My thoughts were filled with those hoodlums, trying to kidnap Serena.

One thing was for sure, they were not just some kind of street mobster, who were trying to rob her or kidnap her for their own kind of fun.
They knew her very, very well. They gave impression as if were there to take their revenge on her.
They were not easy to get rid off. Like some tenacious plaque. A big storm will be required to get rid off them.

And answer of all mine doubts, who the fuck they are, can be cleared by just one person.


Who the hell are you darling?
I thought I knew enough about you. But I think, I was wrong.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you liked the update. Please do like the book and leave you reviews.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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