Chapter 29: Gavin

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I was in the middle of meeting, when my phone rang and screen flashed name of the girl who has bewitched me.


Leaving the board room, my mind already started to travel in another world. A world where there’s only me and Serena and not a single interference. After our fight, how much I wished to talk to her. To coax her. And be back to the way we were and that is, comfortable around each other.
But we can’t.
In fact it’s not like we can’t, it’s simply I don’t want to. The anonymous note I received this morning, it mentioned clearly that my curse have cause Serena to be found.
Call me superstitious, call me believer of myths, baseless myths, actually one can say. But I do believe in every other word spoken, if there is a threat lingering above Serena’s head. I just don’t wish to take any near chance when she is involved. And if she has been discovered because of me, than well, I am even ready to maintain my distances from her. At least she will be safe and sound.
No doubt,  I will keep protecting her. I wont leave her side. But I wont turn myself anything more than her armour. The sheath protecting her from any harm from this world. And now only my death can cause her vulnerability.

Clearing my throat, I walked out of the meeting area. Without conveying them that it is already adjourned and they can now stop roasting my brain with their lacking power point representations.
Receiving call before it goes to voice mail, I let my back meet the wall.


There was a long pause, before she finally answered me.


She slurred from the other end, but I didn’t replied. I turned silent. Is she drunk? Where is she? With whom? Is she fine? What if Archie follows her there? She didn’t even thought before walking out of penthouse. How can she be careless to this extent?
Millions of questions flooded my brain and my jaws clenched, tearing my muscles.

“Gavin, can you come to Moonlight Shadow?”

Seconds pass and I didn’t replied. Exasperation and anger fuming inside me was increasing with every passing second. I closed my eyes to get myself together before questioning her.

“Are you drunk?”

I waited for her to reply me. After minutes, she gave me a reply  where it was evident that she is actually drunk.

“Who? Me? No? Ha-ha.”

Her awkward laugh and reply gave me my answer. Without replying her, I paced out of the office as fast as my legs can carry me and went straight to car I parked. Giving required instructions to John regarding the further meeting, I drove off to Moonlight Shadow in maximum speed, trying my best not to break any traffic rule.
Nonetheless, I faced numerous of hindrances like, traffic as it was Saturday night, stoppages  distance etc etc..
I tried my best to reach to my Serene. To begin with, why would she walk all alone out at night?
Once there, throwing my keys to attendant, for him to park my car, I walked in long strides in the bar. It was completely packed,  in fact I think there were more people than it can accommodate. Crowd was boiling out. Where will I find her?
I knew she would be somewhere near the bar, if she is drunk and called me that means she must be alone. And if alone, she wont dance or wonder around. So tearing my way across the drunk  crowd, I walked straight to the bar. And there she was, head slumped on to the centre table, n number of bottles surrounding her, and her almost closed eyes hovering with intoxication, looking at me, as if she was waiting for me.
I stood steps away from her, and looked at her and she without raising her drunk body, kept looking at me.
Marching near her, I grabbed her arm and said.

“Let’s go.”

I was about to walk off with Serena in my arms, but she immediately jerked off my hand. I looked back at her as it were she is out of her mind.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

She garbled and hiccupped by the end of statement. She looked at me like I have stolen her favourite candy.


“Why are you here?”

She screamed as though I am here harassing her and my mouth fell. Come again.

“What? You were the one who called me.”

“And you hung it up on my face. On your girlfriend’s face.”

She screamed and hauled like a four year kid. I looked around and all eyes were on us. To be specific on Serena’s act up. Thank God, I am popular and everyone must be knowing that she is my girlfriend. Of course in their eyes.

“Serena get yourself together, and walk back home with me.”


She insisted without budging on her saying and again a hiccup vibrated from down her throat. She looked so adorable and God, if not for my superstitious sick brain, I would have fucked her brains out here, on this table. And let her know how bad bad girls are treated.


I closed my eyes to control my urges.


“I wont.”

She replied in an instance.

“You are not my dad so stop this overpowering act of yours.”

She sat up abruptly, scolding me. Knowing it’s going to be a long night, I sat beside her and she immediately offered me a bottle.

“Have this.”

“I cant, I will be driving us home.”

I raised my palm in denial and she rolled her eyes.

“Why so strict with rules? A quarter or half wont do any bad.”

She chugged another portion down her throat, while I caught it from her hand.

“Stop drinking. You already had enough.”

She stared back and me.

“And why did you came out without informing me? Do you wish another attack from that bastard?”

I placed the bottle on table with a thud.

“And why do you care? Didn’t you wished us to have separate life. Not influencing one another?”

I looked back at her only to find moisture collecting on the brim or her eyes. My heart squeezed looking at her. But somehow shielding my emotions and expressions, I held her arm to walk out of the bar.

“Where are you taking me?”

She tried to get out of my clutch, but her drunk ass was not able to do so. Her loose her balance, and without any hurry she fumbled on ground.

“Gavin, slow down.”

I was done with her. Completely. I scooped her up in my arms, and strode out of the bar.
She stopped resisting and encircled her arms around my neck, resting her head on my chest. Making her sit on the passenger seat, I walked to my side and drove off to my penthouse.
She remained silent, gazing out of the window throughout the way. Suddenly I heard her voice.



She again turned silent. It seemed as if she is debating, whether she should say further or not. Going with the prior, she finally spoke.

“Gavin, why cant we be together? Even after clearly knowing attraction for each other?”

I remained silent. I felt her gaze burning the side of my skull. But I went with giving her silent treatment. Listening to her question and knowing the consequences of what may happen, my fingers around steering wheel tightened along with my jaw against each other.
I finally looked at her and a single drop of tear ran down her left eye, which she didn’t even bothered to wipe away.
Getting no reply from my side, with a heavy heart, she looked back out of the window.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine.
I hope you liked the update.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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