X: sunrays that blossom in between

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do you ever wondered what's the purpose of our life? why do we have to find meaning in life? we are continually evolving and have the eagerness to see the bigger picture: the heavens behind the blue sky.

it's as if we live to have a purpose, to have a set of missions: to have infinite deadlines, and never-ending submissions. a race that we have somehow have to won. like a knight kneels to a queen to have his life sworn.

why do we find meaning in everything, yet we can't find something in nothing?

we can just adore the simple things in our ordinary life. to see beauty in silly little things. it's like everyone is entitled to its own chapter of its book of dreams. can't we just read and read and read until we understand every pieces; every bit of the letters engraved in the surface of each page?

as i indulged myself more on the beauty and ugliness of my life, i learned that i am still a child: i'm still a baby that needs support when i need to stand on my own, a baby who crawls sunshine amidst midnight & dawn, a child who's the real world haven't been shown. a baby who needs soft and gentle hands to lift up my helpless soul.

life as nimble as happiness is as peaceful as contentment. life who doesn't recognize ugliness at the rough corners of its smooth side doesn't saw its wholeness & understand its beauty. people who don't love the life they live can never see things as permanently & not temporary.

we can just be enthralled by the aroma of coffee and tea. we can just listen to our favorite song and its enchanting note and melody. we can just cherish that we happen to wake up every single day. we can just be happy that we're alive. we can just enjoy watching our favorite movie. we can just read our favorite book. we can just appreciate ourselves standing in the mirror amazed by our look.

when we found out our purpose, we may think that it's the ending. but the sunrise depicted that if the moon dies; new sunlight will be the beginning. it's as if everything is plotted by dots that the universe created. can't we just connect the dots and make our life our own? can't we just close our eyes when the whole picture is shown?

i know this is just my different phase. my season shifts. the rain might have come now & the rainbow might show itself somehow. i don't want to have a very purpose. i just want to see simple things being extraordinary. i just want my favorite words to scream thoughts of my heart in every dictionary.

i just want peace and tranquility. i just want the waves to hurdle its waters on me gently. i just want to dance in the darkness following no music & beat, but i still love to dance anyway.
and if the lights blinded me, the heavens will still whisper to my body to move it & sway.

you just have to find your own way, your own way to figure things out. we should never blow the fire of the candle if we know that the light will evaporate & come out. i just want harmony when everything is out of shape. i just want to feel the light of the sunshine when my fantasies are my escape.

sunrays that blossom in between
April 30, 2023

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