CXL: why do beautiful things emit light?

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at night, when staring blankly at the yellow fire scorching—i'm always wonderstruck, that when something burns, it emits light. why do glowing bodies form a phenomenon, contrary to theories that exist to date, points to where a vacuum of matter, only equates to where the universe had been born in its primordial state—into darkness setting off the stage?

that why do match-sticks, sufficiently scratching the surface of match-box-igniters, always produce a little fire? why do fireworks always paint distinct colors, into stems of our brains while we picture them, into fading fractions of ten-seconds we look up below necks & overheads--why would a wood burns out flames and embers, when it merely just projects light into view? and how come we always catch a glimpse of glinting, beneath our eyes when we watch fragments-of-light, disperse into space too?

and i don't quite understand why do immaculate & beautiful things always emit light--still, i can't pour out my thoughts 'bout the moon having moonlight without burning its core to its tip. and i also can't comprehend why do comely-shimmering-sparkles of light, was always too beautiful to look at, when it sometimes disperse into evanescent time.

like how we perceive that the sun was beautiful, even without seeing it. (of course it's beautiful.) (why would the sun be not?) without knowing that it will run out of fuel, too, like the other stars.

like how we always love the sparks of stars igniting into our sight, from a very far-away space. like how we just want to dismantle orbs of our eyeballs to see through what we would look-liked in places we couldn't visit: in places we couldn't take up, for our being only loves to be in spaces we would like to be near. like how we are so fascinated to things we cannot betake oneself into.

August 11, 2023

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