LXXXIII: clear things aren't clear to me

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show me not all about how the clear blue sky faced the top of your head today. and how come did your eyes squint not a little bit & still unfazed to peek through rays of sunshine, even at the peak of the hot noon?

show me not how the nature's leaves are dancing with the wind on the outset of the mushy earth. and how come you didn't even pick up a single leaf to carve your name on top of it?

show me not all about the universe's abstract concepts that you've been cliched not to talk about. all not those repeated endings—beginnings; we will never know how creations did began in the blink of an eye.

show me not the tiny dots that twinkle brightly in the milky way. and tell:

"oh, look! that's Betelgeuse!"
"no, it's Venus."

show me not the deserted soils—goin' alive & well when us earthlings dip its footsteps on its shallow surface.

water makes the soil damp, fire makes the world burn, love makes the heart beat. well, the soul makes the body move; and the body moves the soul as well.

show me not the grand things my mind couldn't endear to understand. that my cells would even not put an effort to comprehend what to say anymore.

show me not the love who's bound to be one with one another—but still reforms & takes many shapes to find itself again after its pieces are whittled & shattered.

instead, unveil it to my senses what are the most simple things you wanna talk about.

that the two minds will understand it both. that the two minds will be free without leaving one's soul.

that simple words are enough for us to feel alive at each other's thoughts. that there was always a room for understanding.

that abstract terms couldn't be nearly compressed to each lines to really feel words that we directly want to say.

June 15, 2023
von frederick

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