XXVIII: feathers

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these white feathers
are meant for me to fly
to sore up the winds and clouds
and climb up to the stars.

and when i've reach the climax,
when i'm done flying.
where i reach ecstasy,
when my happiness echoes to my ears—
i'll always hide my wings
and let myself free fall
in the sky, one with the wind.

standing there, with no one around
only you--your forehead creasing for not seeing me
and when you see me at the top of the clouds...
watching your hands forming a trampauline
mimicking a form when i hold you
falling like an angel--
to be catch by your soft hands
waiting for eternity
for me to fall down into you.

not spreading my beautiful wings
and when you're done catching an angel
i'll break apart and spread my wings
to feel your trembling spine on my feathers

i'll let you sleep with my wings
to cover you from the darkness
i'd love to enstrangle the veins of your heart
and bound it onto mine
away from the monsters, away from the dark.

the sun and the moon love to see us
with the dazzling gaze of the starry night
to hug you, to envelop you
to cover you from the shadows of the light
future's ahead, not so so far
i'll be your peace into this infinite war.

i'll fly with you
sore up the highest mountains
and my white feathers
will always cover your soul
away from sins, away from stains
behind the curtains.

March 15, 2023
von frederick, feathers

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