XCVI: blue waves

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i sing, i sang the melody & tune
with blue waves flowing at my back—
waves just push & back
and shades the hues of night black.

they just form layers & layers of sounds
the sound of the ocean—
the distinct calming music
that the ocean could only produce,
amusing through my ears
i haven't found even in years.

i let the wind in empty space drift
adrift from seastalls & seashores
i wonder if its layers
and its softened edges
could hear my voice ringing & singing.

i wonder if the layers of shoreline
will meet the teeny-tiny sands
that got wet when the moon
sends the waves
to push it back by gravity.

i wonder if the layers of shoreline
will slice the calm waves
that pass at the boundary
in between the sands & waves.

a chorus on the white lines
of the shores on the pebblestones—
in gray rocks, in white rocks
in folded pieces of seashells
with statues of my slippers
ontop of the sands
that're waiting for me.

the tiny sands succumb & cover
the wholeness of my feet.

lightnings also came down from the sky
shivering down my spine:
but still, i can't escape the soft sands
enveloping the outside of my skin
of my feet—of my toes—of my thoughts
that couldn't walk.

the sands & stones drift
as if they have the consciousness
they just don't stand there
on top of the mantle of the sands.

i saw the deep blue skies
on top me & dazzle with pink skies
same with the landscape and scenery
same with the nature's mistery
of how could it exist at veil of bareness.

palmtress are standing
between the tall lampost
that lit the space amid the night--

as if im shielded at the present moment
from the thoughts of liveliness,
from the attacks of memories
that i should just live
at the present moment.

July 01, 2023

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