Chapter Forty-Seven: Livewire's Redemption, Part One

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1978 Reeve Ave. | Metropolis, New York
Saturday, June 19, 2032 | 09:00 EDT

Well, today is the twins' birthday, and they are turning thirteen. They are officially teenagers. Lois and I are bracing ourselves for the worst, and praying for the best, in terms of their raging hormones. But, we're not going to think about that, today. We're just going to focus on celebrating the twins.

Rose has been with J'onn on our Earth, now, for four years, and I've never seen J'onn any happier. To see the two of them together, from the outside looking in, you'd think they'd been together for at least ten or fifteen years. At least. But J'onn is really happy. And I'm glad for it. Because even though I know what it feels like to believe myself to be the last of my race, as far as any of us know, J'onn actually is the last surviving member of his. And that's a very heavy burden to bear. So for him to find someone else as in-tune with his mind as Rose is, that's a blessing.

In the meantime, Mxy has been coming back non-stop, faithfully and like clockwork, and every single member of my family and I have been working diligently to send him back to the Fifth Dimension right as soon as he appears. It's gotten so bad, that ever since I sent him back seven years ago, I've had to chart the exact dates he'd be coming back. Here is every single time he's returned to give me hell since Sunday, November 9, 2025:

Monday, February 09, 2026
Saturday, May 09, 2026
Sunday, August 09, 2026
Monday, November 09, 2026
Tuesday, February 09, 2027
Sunday, May 09, 2027
Monday, August 09, 2027
Tuesday, November 09, 2027
Wednesday, February 09, 2028
Tuesday, May 09, 2028
Wednesday, August 09, 2028
Thursday, November 09, 2028
Friday, February 09, 2029
Wednesday, May 09, 2029
Thursday, August 09, 2029
Friday, November 09, 2029
Saturday, February 09, 2030
Thursday, May 09, 2030
Friday, August 09, 2030
Saturday, November 09, 2030
Sunday, February 09, 2031
Friday, May 09, 2031
Saturday, August 09, 2031
Sunday, November 09, 2031
Monday, February 09, 2032
Sunday, May 09, 2032

And I've even got the next three dates down:

Monday, August 09, 2032
Tuesday, November 09, 2032
Wednesday, February 09, 2033

We just make little mini-holidays out of when he shows up. And we've already told Perry, Cat, and Jimmy about it, so they already know when not to expect to see us in the office.

So now, we are getting ready to leave, and we hear Livewire wreaking havoc downtown. We all share the same look, and we all get dressed for work.

Downtown Metropolis | Metropolis, New York
Saturday, June 19, 2032 | 09:12 EDT

When the four of us get downtown, and Livewire sees us, she mockingly says, "Aww, isn't that cute. The little rugrats have grown up. I didn't think it was possible, but your costumes are even more ridiculous than your mommy and daddy's!"

"Okay," says Jon, deadpanning with extreme annoyance at what Leslie said about us, "I have neither the time nor the patience for this. Elli?"

Jon's twin nods with an identical expression plastered on her face, and without a word, she gets behind the Shock Jock so fast, her mother and I can barely process her movements. Then Elli folds her arms and says, "You know, for someone who's supposed to be some kinda weirdo being made of living electricity, your reactionary awareness and subsequent reaction time is really pathetic."

"How did you--?" Leslie tries to ask, but Elli holds her flush to her, pours a glass of water she got from I don't even know where over Leslie's head, and shorts out Leslie's powers, knocking her completely out.

09:22 EDT

Then, when she wakes up, in an inhibitor collar and matching unchained cuffs, I ask her, "What did I do to make you hate me so much?"

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