Chapter Two: Discovery

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Lois Lane's Condominium | Metropolis, New York
Sunday, May 13, 2018 | 14:25 EDT

Immediately after I left Lois last night, I flew straight to the Fortress of Solitude to discuss with the hologram of my father, Jor-El, the potential for Lois and I to get married and someday have kids.

He then explained to me that when a Kryptonian reaches a certain age, they receive a house ring, which is a signet ring bearing the crest of the House they belong to. It's usually afforded to the noble-class houses of Kryptonians. As a matter of fact, crests, period are only afforded to noble-class houses, and when a person marries into a noble-class house, they automatically receive a house ring with the family's crest that they married into.

So I asked Jor-El if he could fashion two rings, one for me, and one for Lois, because I'm going to be proposing to her, soon. He then asked me if I'd like a house ring in the interim, because I was supposed to have received one on my fourteenth birthday, so it's long overdue now that I'm thirty. I told him that I would, and he asked me which of my fingers I would like to wear it on. I told him my right middle finger, he gave it to me in this silver-ish color, and then I proceeded to give him specifications for the marriage set.

Barry and Iris extended invites to the senior members of the League with plus-one addendums to our invites. Lois and I, of course, went, and everybody cheered when Barry blabbed that I told Lois my secret.

Later this afternoon, after the wedding reception, at which Lois caught the wedding bouquet and I accidentally caught the garter, I took her back to her place, and told her to change into something warm, and I'd be back after I changed, myself.

Now, I'm back at her condo, having stripped down to my Superman uniform that I had on under the tuxedo that I wore to the wedding, and I knock on her door.

"For the last time," she shouts through the door, not even bothering to look through her peephole, "whatever you people are selling, I don't want it! Now, go away before I sue your company for harassment!"

"Lois," I say through the multi-locked door, "is everything alright?"

"Clark?" she calls, recognizing my voice and masterfully unlocking her multi-locked door.

But when she opens it, her eyes widen and before I have a chance to say anything, she says, "Oh!" before suddenly yanking me inside her condo by my arms and slamming the door shut.

Wow, this woman's strong. I like it. "What are you doing knocking on my door, dressed like that?!"

I shrug. "I figure, what's the harm in a guy paying a visit to a really good friend?"

"Except we're not just friends! We're in a relationship!"

"As Lois Lane and Clark Kent. But to the rest of the world, I'm just a really close friend. Lois, stop panicking. It's fine."

"But you ARE Clark Kent!"

Her volume in-voice worries me, because she's shouting now, and I hope that no one else heard what she said. So I get agitated, and with sarcasm heavily lacing my words, I say, "A little louder, please, Lois. I don't think they heard you IN GOTHAM."

"Okay, okay, sorry. But you can't expect me to not freak out, you showing up to my home looking like that and knocking on my front door. Next time, baby, please just use the balcony window. Okay?"

"'Course," I say, wrapping my arms around her waist as she snakes her arms around my neck, and kissing her beautifully full lips, "I promise. As long as this crest is visible on my chest, I'll come in through the window."

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