Chapter Twenty-Nine: Payback

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Conference Room | Watchtower, Earth's Orbit
Monday, June 24, 2019 | 14:30 EDT

We convene yet another emergency meeting of the League's Senior Staff, and when everyone gets here, Kara, Bruce, Diana, and I stand at the front of the room.

"You know," says Hal, "we have more meetings up here than Congress does on Capitol Hill."

"What's going on?" asks Arthur.

"Well," I start, "as you all know, Kara and I hold dual membership both in this team, and the thirty-first century team, the Legion of Superheroes. Last Wednesday, one of our Legion teammates, Brainiac Five, was murdered, and Thursday, we attended his funeral service. Now, on behalf of the Legion, we are formally requesting your assistance in tracking down and apprehending whoever is responsible."

"Wait," says Carter, "This Brainiac Five has got to be more than just a teammate for you to be asking for our help in finding who killed him."

"You're right," says Kara. "Brainy was my boyfriend, and we were talking about marriage before he got killed. Now, I need closure before I can truly move on."

"That is completely understandable," says J'onn. "I cannot speak for anybody else here, but I will help you."

And everyone else agrees to help.

14:48 EDT

When the situation gets explained to everyone, the Staff receives their Flight Rings and we call Karen to the conference room. We also put a call in to Selina and Lois, and tell them that we need them to stay behind to watch the kids, to which my wife and Bruce's (hopefully) soon-to-be fiancé agree, without hesitation. If I'm being completely honest, though, here's what Lois actually said when I asked her to stay home while we go to the future: "Well, Clark, truthfully, tell Kara that I love her and I was very fond of Brainy, too, but there's absolutely no way I can leave the twins, right now. I'm sorry, but even if I wanted to help find Brainy's murderer--which I absolutely do, make no mistake--there's no way I'm gonna even think about trying to help. I'm sorry Clark. Besides, I just got them both to sleep, and Selina invited me, Jon and Elli over to Wayne Manor. But I'm gonna send Bridgette in my stead."

And I replied, "That's... completely understandable, however harsh as it was. But I'll relay a... much less harsh rendition of the message to everyone else, and I'll be waiting for Bridge's arrival. I love you, honey, and I'll see you soon."

After Bruce and I made those calls, I also put a call in to Kon, Cassie, and Inspector Lantern Brion. All four of them will be here, shortly. I have a very sinking, rather haunting feeling that we're gonna need all available hands that own a Flight Ring on-deck for this mission.

Legion Headquarters | New Metropolis, New York
Sunday, September 5, 3019 | 09:00 EDT

When we all get to Legion Headquarters, we are immediately greeted by Chameleon Boy, Shrinking Violet, and Invisible Kid, who lead us all to the central hub of the HQ. There, we are greeted by Rokk, Garth, and Imra, the second of whom, upon seeing us, has a guilty expression splayed on his face and says, "Kara, swear to God: We didn't do it."

Ultimately baffled, Kara and I look at each other with matching confused expressions on our faces, and then back at Lightning Lad as Kara inquires, "Garth, what in the world are you talking about?"

They turn to Cham, Vi, and Vis, who look like a trio of deer caught in headlights as we turn to look at them as well, and an aggravated Rokk demands of them, "You mean to tell me that you didn't tell them? Cham, what the sprock, man?"

"Yeah, man," agrees Garth, "we usually can't get you to shut up on a good day!"

"Okay, first of all," says Cham, crossing his arms with an annoyed expression painting his features, "rude. Secondly, I know when to shut up! Lastly, we thought that you were gonna tell them."

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