Chapter Fourteen: Month One, Part One

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Fortress of Solitude | North Pole, Arctic Circle
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 | 08:19 EDT


After we get back to our own time, and everybody heads home with Bruce saying that he wants to run a battery of tests on Lois sooner than later, and both of us agreeing to it just to get him off our backs, Lois and I stay behind at the Fortress, and I ask her if she's ready to get some sleep, to which she responds, "No. As a matter of fact, it feels like I have all this excess energy I need to burn off. Is that normal? And is it safe for the kids?"

"I don't know," I reply, honestly. "If I'm bein' completely honest with you, baby, yours is the first case of its kind. I'm as new to this as you are. And like you, I don't know what to expect. But, we'll get through it. Together."

And I take her hand into mine and squeeze it lightly, smiling, a gesture which she returns. "Alright, then," I say. "Let's get you mastering your powers, huh?"

"Sounds like a plan, mi amor," says Lois, and we head to the Accelerated Training Room.

20:21 EDT

It's been a little over twelve hours out there, which translates to twelve years and some change in here. And at this point, Lois has got a solid handle on pretty much all of her powers--Strength, great; She can lift over half a millon metric tons at rest, and half a billion metric tons if she works at it; strength control, awesome: She is able to operate in a day-to-day life without breaking everything or anyone she touches; speed, great: She's about as fast as me at my fastest; perception and agility, awesome: Lois can snatch bullets right out of the air and redirect them, and keep up with and just about beat someone with our power level; Stamina, incredible: She's not even broken a sweat, yet; flight, perfect: She's almost flying circles around me, and she sticks her landings (especiallly in those heels of hers) every single time--that is... except for her heat vision. And that's me being nice about it. If I'm being frank, Lois' heat vision? SUCKS. Her senses, though, are tuned and honed to near-perfection, and she can not only show me the difference between her super-breath and her freezing breath, but she can also alter the intensity of both, depending on the kind of situation she finds herself in. She's good with all of those powers. And I'll leave teaching her how to phase-shift via molecular vibration to Barry. Now, don't get me wrong, her power output is phenomenal, to say the least. But it's controlling that power output that she's having problems with. This might be the most difficult of Lois' powers to train her in.

So after about another two and a half hours trying to teach her how to control her heat vision, something finally clicks, and I switch up my teaching methods. I tell her, "Okay, Lois, this isn't working, so I'm gonna try somethin' else. Imagine that your target standing in front of you is the guy from our job that you can't stand the most: Steve Lombard. If he was here, right now, and looks could kill, which in our case, they actually can, what would you want to do to that misogynist?"

She lets out a cry of pure frustration, thinking about all the times she and the other ladies in the office have been sexually harrassed by Lombard, and she lets the target have it, almost completely incinerating it. Then, I say, "Wow. I wouldn't want to be in Lombard's shoes, next time he pisses you off. Okay, um, now imagine that this next target is Bridgette."

I encase the target in a solid block of ice with my freezing breath, and continue, "Bridgette's trapped in this block of ice, and she can't melt her way out herself. You've proven yourself well capable of accessing the solar energy that's powering you, and channeling it through your eyes with power. Now control that power. You don't want to accidentally hurt or kill Bridgette, but you need to get her free of this ice quickly, else the ice might give her hypothermia and kill her. Start at Bridgette's head; work your way down. Melt the ice, don't hurt our daughter. Concentrate. Focus."

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