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"Something wrong?" Tim asked Kon, tensing up as soon as he realized that something had caught the attention of Kon's super senses.

"Nothing wrong... there are just two more kids in Clark's apartment," Kon informed his best friend with a thoughtful look. "They must be Jon's friends, Dami and Billy."

"Jon's friends from Fawcett City?" Jaime wondered, while Bart's eyes widened in recognition, though he made sure to keep his mouth shut and his body language silent. Luckily for him, most of their team's bat attention was on Superboy.

"Yes, he can't shut up about them," Kon laughed, as he continued to guide them towards the Kent's apartment. "Especially, after their sleepover at the Kent's farm last year."

"Let them be," Cassie chided her boys, as they were entering the apartment.

Tim focused his attention, noticing that the apartment looked the same as it did last time he had been there, with the exception of two sketches framed on the living-room wall. The first one was of the Kent grandparents on the Kent Farm, while the second one was of Lois and Clark in front of the Daily Planet building. Both couples had their arms around each other and looked so happy. The sketches were beautifully done, the pencil lines done with so much care and attention to detail, that even without color it made of feel as if the sketch was coming to life. Each sketch had the initials D.A.H written on the right bottom corner.

"It's so good to see you," Lois greeted them with a smile and hugs. "How's San Francisco?"

"Keeping us busy," Cassie answered with a smile of her own. "Kon told us that there are two guests here."

"Yes, which means we don't get to talk about our other activities," Clark warned them as he entered the living-room. He went to hug Kon, who with whom he had a better relationship now, than he had before. "They are the civilian younger brothers of Jason Head."

"Jason Alexander Head? As in the award-winning young author?" Tim asked, shocked beyond belief. "I love his work! A Death in the Family and The Risen have become two of my favorite books!"

Clark chuckled at his best friend's son's eagerness. "The very same. Right now, he is in a book tour in the Middle East and left Damian and Billy here to babysit."

Tim squealed. "He is the best! The rights for A Death in the Family were recently bought by Warner Bros and Jason Head will be adapting the script! I just can't wait for it to be in theaters! It will be awesome!"

As Tim continued to gush over Jason Head and his work, his team turned to look at him fondly while Lois went to get the three little boys to present them to the Teen Titans. Lois smiled when she opened the door of Jon's room, the three boys were playing on the Play Station, cheering each other on. Her eyes lingered on the framed sketch over Jon's bed, it was a sketch made by Damian of the three of them when Jon had paid them all a visit in Fawcett City for a sleepover. It had turned into Jon's most prized possession.

"Children," Lois called them out. Billy, being the responsible older one, stopped the game, even as Damian and Jon protested, and they all turned towards her. "Kon is here, and he brought some of his friends over. Why don't you come out to say hi?"

"Kon is here!" Jon jumped on his feet beaming, he then turned to Damian, first like always, and then to Billy, before dragging them out. "Come on! I can't wait to introduce you all!"

Lois chuckled as she followed the eager trio, she got to the living room just in time to hear Billy present himself as William Joseph Head, but please call me Billy. She smiled as Jon and Billy were socializing with the Teen Titans quite excitedly, but frowned when she noticed how tense Damian was around Tim. Which was weird, because even though Damian was more reserved than Billy, he had quite a welcoming charm when socializing with others.

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