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In a secluded corner of Gotham City, Drusilla and Laura met under the dim glow of the streetlights, their expressions tense with concern. As they began to discuss the recent string of murders targeting children of magic, a palpable sense of unease hung in the air.

Drusilla wasted no time in issuing a stern warning to her companion. "Laura, we need to stay away from this," she urged, her voice laced with urgency. "We made a promise to the Dark Knight to stay out of trouble, and meddling in these affairs could put us all at risk."

Laura, her brow furrowed in frustration, shook her head defiantly. "But Drusilla, we can't just stand idly by while innocent children are being targeted," she protested, her voice tinged with determination. "We have a responsibility to protect our own, no matter the cost."

Drusilla sighed, sounding exasperated as she dealt with her younger compatriot. "I know you want to help, Laura, but we made an oath that if we wanted to live in Gotham we would only get involved if trouble knocked on our door. This string of murders has not affected either of us yet," she reasoned, her tone gentle yet firm. "Getting involved could make things worse, not just for us, but for everyone."

Laura's voice trembled with urgency as she confronted Drusilla, her eyes ablaze with determination. "But what about our kind?" she demanded, her words ringing out in the tense silence of the room. "Are we just going to sit back and do nothing while innocent children are hunted down like animals?"

Drusilla's response was swift and cutting, her tone laced with disdain. "There's no need for concern. All the killings have been happening in the surroundings of Gotham, but I know they will never happen within the city's boundaries," she retorted, her words dripping with contempt. "There are no witches or warlocks in Gotham, and there never will be. The All-Sword wielder has claimed this city as his own, and he will return to establish one of the greatest covens in America."

Laura's confusion deepened, her brow furrowing in disbelief. "But I thought Fawcett City was his territory."

Drusilla waved a dismissive hand, her expression smug and self-assured. "The All-Sword wielder was claimed by Gotham before he was even born. He might not live here now, but he will return. Which is why no witch of warlock will even make this place their home without his permission," she explained, her tone dripping with superiority. "At the moment he is protecting Fawcett City for Leukós, ensuring that its power remains untapped until the time is right. The same goes for Lady Talia and Zamurad's Infinity Island. They're simply biding their time until their true potential can be unleashed."

Laura's frustration radiated palpably as she stood before Drusilla, her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides. "I'll be damned if I sit back and do nothing. I have a meeting with Nightwing, and I'll make sure he knows what's going on."

Drusilla raised an eyebrow at Laura's parting words, her amusement deepening as she watched her go. "Suit yourself," she murmured under her breath, her voice barely audible over the rustle of the wind.

With a graceful motion, Drusilla transformed into a bat, her form morphing effortlessly as she took to the sky.


Nightwing approached the meeting point in Otisburg where Alpha Laura Hale awaited him. Tall and muscular, she exuded an air of authority, her blonde hair catching the sunlight as she stood there with a no-nonsense expression in her brown eyes. Close to her, a pair of twin kids, a boy, and a girl, played with a thirteen-year-old red-haired boy with piercing blue eyes. They zoomed around the street with all the energy of lightning bolts, their laughter bouncing off the brick walls as they played a wild game of tag.

The red-haired boy, his skin pale and freckled like stars against a canvas of ivory, chased after the twins with pure determination. His blue eyes danced with mischief and happiness, his messy hair catching the faint glow of the streetlights as he dashed through the shadows. The twins' blond hair shimmering like strands of spun gold in the dim light. Their skin glowed with health, kissed by the sun, as they giggled and dodged the red-haired boy's attempts to catch them. Though they looked identical, subtle differences set them apart; the boy's eyes held a warmth and kindness, while the girl's gaze sparkled with playfulness, her determination matching her brother's.

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