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In a table by the window of a café at Fawcett University, Diana and Jason shared a moment as they laughed. The air was fragrant with the aroma of freshly brewed tea, Jason opting for a robust English Breakfast while Diana savored the delicate notes of Jasmine tea. Their table was adorned with a tempting spread of brunch delights, from delicate finger sandwiches of smoked salmon to crumbly cheese scones, each bite offered a burst of flavor. Nestled among them were pistachio madeleines, their buttery sweetness complementing the savory treats, and chocolate bonbons that melted on the tongue in a symphony of indulgence.

Amidst bites of delicious food, their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by shared laughter and moments of quiet reflection. It was a welcome pause from the hustle and bustle of their busy lives, a chance to simply enjoy each other's company. For Jason, it provided a much-needed break from the demands of his Creative Writing class and missions, a moment to relax and recharge before diving back into his lessons. And for Diana, it was an opportunity to cherish the time spent with her dear nephew.

Leaning back in her chair, Diana's lips curled into a smile as she watched two students—a guy and a girl—approach their table with a hint of hesitation. She felt a surge of pride as Jason greeted them warmly, his laid-back vibe instantly putting them at ease. With each step closer, the students shed their nerves, their faces lighting up with excitement at the chance to chat with their professor. Diana couldn't help but admire Jason's knack for connecting with his students, his genuine kindness creating a safe space where they felt valued and encouraged.

"So, how are you guys finding the latest assignment?" Jason asked, leaning in with genuine interest.

The guy, Alex, shifted in his seat, a nervous grin spreading across his face. "It's challenging, but in a good way. I've been trying to incorporate your feedback from last time, and I think it's really helped improve my writing."

"That's great to hear," Jason replied, nodding in approval. "Keep pushing yourself, and you'll only get better."

Meanwhile, the female student, Sam, chimed in, her eyes bright with excitement. "I've been experimenting with different narrative styles, trying to find my voice. It's been hard, but I'm loving every minute of it."

"That's the spirit," Jason said, offering a supportive smile. "Writing is all about exploration. Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things. That's how you'll discover what works best for you."

Soon enough, it was time for the students to head off to their next class, but not before showering Jason with gratitude for his guidance. With smiles on their faces and a newfound pep in their step, they bid farewell to their professor. Watching them go, Jason couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. Knowing he had made a difference in their lives filled him with pride.

Turning to his Aunt Diana, Jason found her gaze fixed on him with a tender warmth that made his cheeks flush with embarrassment. Her fond expression spoke volumes. "So, how's it going, Professor Head?" Diana asked, her voice laced with genuine warmth.

Jason grinned, unable to contain his excitement. "It's incredible, Aunt Diana. I never imagined teaching could be so fulfilling. Being able to mentor the next generation of writers—it's a dream come true."

His enthusiasm bubbled over as he spoke, each word tinged with genuine passion. He couldn't help but gush about his students, each one a shining star with boundless potential. "They're brilliant, Aunt Diana, truly. I can see them going on to do amazing things—teaching, writing poetry, crafting novels, even reporting on the frontlines of the world's most pressing issues."

"And Sasha," as he spoke, Jason's thoughts turned to Sasha, his prodigy and trusted TA. Her dedication and talent had never ceased to amaze him, and he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in her accomplishments. "She's something else. Just graduated from the English and Literature program, and now she's staying on for her master's degree. I couldn't be prouder."

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