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The dinner table was alive with laughter and chatter as the family enjoyed their meal, a delectable fusion of Lebanese and Vietnamese cuisine. The aroma of spices and herbs filled the air, tantalizing their taste buds and adding to the festive atmosphere.

Lian and Billy were engaged in a playful game of culinary espionage, each trying to sneak a taste of the other's dish when they thought the other wasn't looking. Their laughter rang out like music, filling the room with joy and light-hardheartedness. Damian, ever the conscientious one, carefully selected his dishes, ensuring that each was strictly vegetarian. His love for animals was evident in his choice, and he refused to compromise his principles, even when faced with a mouth-watering array of options.

Meanwhile, Roy was spoon-feeding a somewhat reluctant Jason with an affectionate persistence. Despite Jason's mock protests and eye-rolling, there was an undeniable warmth between them. As they dined together, sharing stories and laughter, Jason couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the family gathered around him. They may have their quirks and differences, but in that moment, they were united by love and kinship, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

Once they had all finished with dinner and had moved into dessert, Roy beamed proudly as he looked around at the group, a sense of admiration evident in his eyes. "Well done, everyone," he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine pride. "Another year, another round of stellar academic achievements. I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you."

"Thanks, dad!" Lian grinned from ear to ear, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She had worked tirelessly throughout the year, pouring her heart and soul into her studies, and to be recognized for her efforts meant the world to her. "I worked really hard, but it feels amazing to see it pay off."

"Indeed," Damian nodded in agreement, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. He had always prided himself on his intellect and academic prowess. "I expect nothing less than excellence from myself."

Billy grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah, well, it helps when you've got the best teachers," he quipped, sending a playful wink in Jason's direction.

Jason chuckled, a warmth spreading through his chest at the sight of the bright, happy faces around him. "Well, I may be biased, but I'd like to think I've taught you a thing or two," he replied, his tone light and jovial.

Roy watched the exchange with a sense of pride swelling in his chest. These kids were his family, his pride and joy, and to see them thriving brought him immeasurable happiness. "You've all worked incredibly hard, and it's paid off. I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you."

"As Roy mentioned the academic year, you need to keep into account that you will be starting your third year in Nanda Parbat Academy for Magic and that means you will need to choose your elective subjects," Jason turned to Damian and reminded him. "Have you already made your selection?"

Damian nodded. "Yes, akhi. I selected Art Magic, Rituals & Curses, Apparition, and Magical Politics."

"Art Magic, Rituals & Curses, Apparition, and Magical Politics," Jason repeated, nodding in approval. "Solid choices, Damian. It's clear you've put a lot of thought into this."

Damian inclined his head, a determined glint in his eyes. "I have," he affirmed, his voice steady and resolute. "I believe these subjects will provide me with a well-rounded education and prepare me for the challenges that lie ahead."

Roy chimed in, his expression thoughtful as he considered Damian's selections. "Art Magic makes sense," he mused, a hint of admiration in his tone. "You've always had a talent for it, Damian. And Magical Politics... well, that's a given considering your lineage." He paused, a quizzical expression crossing his features. "But Rituals & Curses?" Roy questioned, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "That's an interesting choice. Care to elaborate?"

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