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The Batcave was buzzing with tension as Nightwing, Black Bat, Batwing, Batwoman, Agent A, Spoiler, and Oracle gathered around the Bat-Computer. The dim glow of the monitors reflected in their faces, casting shadows that mirrored the worry etched on their expressions.

Agent A, his weathered face lined with concern, couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes. "I can't believe he went and did something this reckless. I warned him about the dangers of going off on his own, but did he listen? No!"

Oracle, her eyes fixed on the screen, sighed, and shook her head. "We all knew Robin was on a downward spiral, but none of us expected him to pull a time heist. It's like he's trying to one-up every crazy stunt we've ever pulled."

Spoiler, her frustration evident in her voice, jumped into the conversation. "Seriously! Who in their right mind thought Robin would take time travel into his own hands? We knew he was a wild card, but this is next-level insanity!"

Nightwing, standing tall with a serious expression, clapped his hands together to silence the bickering. "Enough, guys. We can argue about this later. Right now, we need to figure out how to bring him back. He's lost in the timestream, and we have no idea where he is."

Black Bat, her stoic demeanor betraying a flicker of concern, spoke up. "I've tried accessing the Batcomputer's historical database, but he's not in any known time period. It's like he's fallen off the grid."

Batwoman, her red hair a stark contrast to the shadows, added, "We need to find a way to track him. He can't be lost forever."

Batwing, his voice gruff with worry, chimed in. "We can't just sit here and do nothing. We have to bring him back home."

Oracle, her fingers dancing across the keyboard, interjected, "We should focus on finding a temporal anomaly, something that doesn't fit in any historical context. That might lead us to Robin."

Nightwing nodded in agreement. "Oracle's right. We have to work together on this. No blaming, no finger-pointing. We're a team, and we'll get him back."

The tension in the Batcave was palpable, but amidst the worry and frustration, a determination sparked in their eyes. They were the Colony, and no matter how wild the situation, they would find a way to bring Robin back home.

The tension in the Batcave was momentarily interrupted as Batwoman's gaze shot toward the clock entrance. She squinted, catching the sight of Red Ghoul, Zamurad, and Billy descending the stairs. Billy, now going by the name Leukós, looked unsure in his SHAZAM form. Leukós means white in Ancient Greek, a name that paid homage to ancient gods and the traditions his brothers were following- each choosing one color to represent them, Jason red, Damian emerald-green, and Billy white.

Batwing, trying to maintain a positive atmosphere, greeted them with a warm smile. However, the disappointment etched on the faces of the new arrivals didn't go unnoticed. The Colony's latest members seemed to carry the weight of their unsuccessful mission.

"You found nothing." Black Bat, with a resigned sigh, broke the silence.

Red Ghoul nodded, his shoulders slumping as he shrugged. Zamurad let out a frustrated curse in Arabic, and Leukós shifted uncomfortably under the scrutiny of the Colony.

Batwoman stepped forward, her eyes darting between the trio. "Alright, let's not get discouraged. We're dealing with the timestream here. It's not exactly straightforward. We need to regroup and come up with a new plan."

Nightwing, sensing the collective frustration in the room, added, "We're all in this together. We can't let one setback bring us down. We need fresh ideas, maybe a different approach to track Robin through time."

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