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As Damian slept, his exhaustion showing on his young face, Jason felt a swell of pride. His little brother had not only endured the intense necromancy ritual but had excelled in it. Jason gently ran his fingers through Damian's hair, feeling both affection and a silent acknowledgment of the strength Damian had shown.

The room was quiet, broken only by the soft sound of Damian's breathing. The weight of responsibility had been heavy on the young necromancer's shoulders, and now, in sleep, he looked almost angelic, a reminder of his resilience despite his age.

Still, Jason couldn't shake a twinge of doubt. Had he made the right choice involving Damian in such a risky and intricate ritual? The responsibility of being both a mentor and an older brother weighed heavily on him. This doubt lingered, haunting his thoughts.

In the quiet room, Jason replayed the events leading up to the ritual. Choosing Damian as the Magical Necromancer hadn't been easy. But as they prepared, it became clear that Damian's unique magical abilities, combined with his determination, made him essential. Even so, Jason couldn't ignore the risks. The uncertainty gnawed at him, making him question if they should have found another magical necromancer. The potential consequences weighed on his conscience.

Jason found some comfort in knowing that this ritual was a one-time necessity to bring the Talon back to humanity. The decision to involve Damian had been strategic, and with the ritual's success, Jason believed it had been the right call. The future held challenges for Damian, but for now, he allowed his little brother the chance to be a child and a student.

With a sigh, Jason shifted his gaze from the sleeping Damian to the door. He quietly closed it, letting Damian rest after the exhausting ritual. As he turned away, he found their mother, Talia, waiting in the hallway. They shared an unspoken understanding and walked together to Jason's room. Once inside, Jason took a moment to express his regrets to Talia, apologizing for involving Damian in the complex ritual. To his surprise, Talia dismissed his concerns with a wave of her hand.

Talia spoke with a quiet strength. "I trusted you with Damian, Jason, and you didn't let me down. Even with this ritual, my faith in you never wavered." She smiled, a rare, warm expression. "You've given Damian a childhood I never could have, being in the League of Shadows and all."

Jason felt a weight lift off his shoulders. "Thanks, umi. That means a lot."

"You've given him a life beyond the shadows, and I'm grateful for that," Talia said, her words filled with a mother's appreciation. "Let go of the guilt, Jason. You didn't force him into anything. Together, you saved Talon's life."

Jason's hesitant smile grew more genuine. Talia's reassurances helped ease the guilt he'd been carrying.

Then, Talia handed him a stack of papers. As he looked through them, he saw a new identity for Talon—now Wren Fletcher—and a bank account to give him a fresh start. Jason chuckled. "Wren Fletcher, huh? Seems fitting."

The mood shifted as Talia began to share the disturbing news her League of Shadows had uncovered about the Court of Owls. Jason's expression turned serious.

"Talia, you're saying that William Cobb, the Talon we just saved, is Dick Grayson's great-grandfather?" Jason's brow furrowed.

"Yes," Talia replied. "Cobb's lineage is tied to Gotham's shadows. He's the original Talon, the first assassin of the Court of Owls." Her eyes showed the weight of this revelation.

She went on to tell Cobb's tragic story, driven by revenge after losing his beloved Amelia Crowne. "Amelia was abandoned by her father for getting pregnant out of wedlock. She became a pawn in the Court's games, they used her tragic death to push Cobb into a revenge mindset. The Graysons from then on started being groomed to become the ultimate Talon."

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