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As Jason strolled through the lively streets of Fawcett City, a storm brewed inside him that rivaled any conflict from his vigilante days. He had intentionally chosen this life, this city, to shield his younger brothers, Damian and Billy, from the relentless vendetta of Batman. He had been resolute in his belief that here, away from Gotham's haunting shadows, he could offer them a chance at a brighter, less burdened existence.

But as time passed—days melting into months, and months into years—doubt crept in. Dick, Tim, Stephanie, Cass... They remained under Batman's watchful gaze, still caught in the unyielding grip of Gotham's darkness. Jason observed from afar, witnessing the toll their service exacted. Amid fleeting moments of joy, he saw the pervasive darkness, the pain they endured. He felt their struggles keenly, having lived through his own fall as Robin and resurrection as a vigilante. The Bat's darkness had seeped into his bones like an eternal chill.

These thoughts haunted Jason like a relentless shadow, casting doubt on his hard-won peace. Stephanie's near-tragedy in Gotham underscored the city's merciless nature—a place that had already taken one brother from him.

How could he justify keeping Damian and Billy safe while leaving the others to face Batman's relentless demands? How long could he believe his decision to distance them was right, knowing the internal strife it caused? It was a tormenting struggle, an agonizing conflict that gnawed at his conscience with each passing day.

But deep down, Jason knew he wrestled with a different kind of fight. It wasn't just about safeguarding Damian and Billy; it was about shielding himself from the lingering darkness within. It was his way of seeking redemption, of trying to carve out a semblance of normalcy amid the stains of his past. Yet, the specters of his history—both living and gone—persisted, haunting his steps. His loyalty to his other siblings felt like a chain binding him to a troubled past, one steeped in pain and anguish. The guilt weighed heavily, a relentless companion whispering doubts about his choices and paths taken.

Walking through the bustling streets, Jason felt the weight of his decisions press upon him like an unseen burden. He wondered if there'd ever be a time when he could truly break free from his past's shadows and offer his other siblings a life beyond the cape and cowl. It was a battle waged within his soul, with no clear victor in sight. Jason understood that the road to redemption stretched long and was fraught with challenges. As he moved forward, he couldn't shake the uncertainty of whether he'd ever find the answers he sought or if his past would forever haunt him.

For now, though, he had a task at hand. One that required him to apparate to London.


Jason walked through the bustling streets of Diagon Alley, the heart of the magical world in London. It was a place where the past and present coexisted, where history whispered in the cobbled streets and ancient bricks of the buildings. Today, he was here to visit a place that held a significant legacy - Snape's Garden, an apothecary and potion store that bore the name of one of the bravest and most enigmatic figures in the UK's magical history, Severus Snape.

The story of Severus Snape was one that had become a legend, a tale of bravery and sacrifice in the face of unimaginable darkness. He had been the double agent who had risked his life to spy on one of the most notorious Dark Lords the United Kingdom had ever faced. Snape's work had saved countless lives and had helped turn the tide in the battle against the forces of evil. He had been a man of secrets, a master of the shadows, but his loyalty to the side of good had never wavered.

As if that were not enough, Snape had taken on the role of Headmaster at Hogwarts during one of the darkest chapters in the magical world's history. The Hunters had laid siege to the school, seeking to eliminate any form of magic from the world. It was a time when darkness threatened to smother the light, and Snape had stood as a beacon of hope. The battle for Hogwarts had been fierce and deadly. The entire school had been transformed into a battlefield, and the students, led by Snape, had fought valiantly to survive.

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