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Roy and Jason stood side by side in the kitchen, surrounded by the comforting aroma of spices and the gentle glow of the overhead light. Roy, eager to learn, followed Jason's instructions diligently, though his enthusiasm sometimes led to slightly uneven results. Jason, with a mixture of amusement and affection, guided him through the cooking process.

"Careful with the onion, Roy," Jason said, hovering nearby as Roy diced the vegetables. "We want them diced, not minced."

Roy glanced up, sheepishly grinning. "Sorry, Jay. I got carried away. But look, it's just rustic style," he said, gesturing to the uneven pieces.

Jason chuckled, shaking his head fondly. "Rustic, huh? Well, as long as they cook evenly, I suppose it's fine. Just watch your fingers, alright?"

As Roy continued chopping, Jason moved closer behind him, wrapping his arms around Roy's waist. Roy leaned back into the embrace, a soft smile on his lips as he felt Jason's warmth against him.

"You're getting the hang of it, Roy," Jason murmured, his breath tickling Roy's ear. "But remember, safety first. We don't want any kitchen accidents."

Roy nodded, enjoying the sensation of Jason's closeness. "Got it, Chef Jase," he replied with a grin.

With one hand on Roy's, Jason guided the knife, demonstrating the proper technique for slicing tomatoes. Roy followed his lead, the rhythmic motion soothing as they worked in harmony.

Suddenly, Roy paused, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he glanced over his shoulder at Jason. "You know, Jase, I can't help but notice your hands are wandering."

Jason chuckled, his lips brushing against Roy's ear. "Just making sure you're staying focused, sweetheart," he replied, his tone playful.

Roy smirked, turning to face Jason fully. "Hmm, well, I suppose I can't complain about that," he said, leaning in for a quick kiss.

Jason grinned, returning the kiss before stepping back slightly. "Alright, let's finish up these veggies before they start to think we've abandoned them."

Billy suddenly entered the kitchen and cringed at the affectionate exchange between the two, feeling like he'd walked in on his parents making out. "Ew, ok, stop! Here's the ritual, take it! I am going back to Nanda Parbat!" Billy exclaimed, slamming a jar on the countertop before apparating in an instant, leaving Jason and Roy stunned.

Jason couldn't help but chuckle at Billy's dramatic reaction, exchanging an amused glance with Roy. Roy joined in, his laughter echoing in the kitchen as they both tried to process what had just happened. But as the laughter died down, Jason's expression turned serious. He picked up the jar Billy had left behind, a sense of determination settling over him.

"You better call John. We've got the ritual, and we are ready to trick Chorozone's child. The full moon is tomorrow," Jason said, his voice firm and resolute.

Roy nodded in agreement, the gravity of their mission sinking in once again. With a sense of purpose, he reached for his phone, dialing John's number, and preparing to put their plan into action. However, as they waited for John to arrive, Roy couldn't shake the worry, gnawing at him. He turned to Jason, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Jay, is there really no other way to trick Chorozone's child?" Roy asked, his voice tinged with anxiety. The thought of Jason taking on such a dangerous task made his heart clench with fear. He couldn't bear the idea of losing him.

Jason's expression softened, his eyes reflecting Roy's concern. He reached out to grasp Roy's hand, offering what comfort he could. "I know, Roy, I know. But right now, this is our best shot," Jason replied, his tone gentle yet resolute.

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