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Jason aimed his gun, mirroring Ravager's poised firearm. Her eyes flickered through a range of emotions before settling on a slow grin.

"Hey, Jason." The use of his first name caught him off guard, but he responded with a matching smile.

"Rose, how are you?" Both kept their weapons ready.

"Been better." She shrugged, and her shoulders seemed a bit stiff. "I've got a proposal for you."

"Oh?" Jason raised an eyebrow, somewhat expecting this outcome; Wilson had no loyalty for anyone but herself, especially after turning her back on the father that had betrayed her.

"I hear you have an opening and would like to apply for the position." Rose shifted her stance, stepping away for more maneuverability. Jason mirrored her movement.

"And which one is that?"

"His." Wilson tapped the dagger at her hips, the blade bearing Malcolm Merlyn's mark. Their cautious dance continued, maintaining a tense equilibrium.

Jason blinked. "How did you get that?"

"Same as how I get everything in life." Her chuckle held challenge and promise, meant to stir the blood. "I take it."

Ravager stood before him, a calculating look in her hooded eyes, the seductress ever present. It was oddly comforting, a warped consistency in her sex appeal as the most-used weapon in her arsenal.

"You think you can take League of Shadows?"

"No, I want League of Shadows to take me." Wilson licked her lips, the innuendo heavy in her purring lilt.

His gaze flickered, and he remembered their past nights of passion during missions away from Nanda Parbat. Before Essence. Before Roy...

"That," he nodded at the gun still aimed at him, "doesn't feel like asking."

She studied him before holstering her gun, emphasizing her curves with a move that seemed entirely natural. The more innocent the temptation, the more effective it was. Ravager was definitely effective, but success was another story.

"How about now, Jason?" Her voice was intimate in the empty hallway. "What does this feel like for you?" A bullet whizzed past her head.

"Like manipulation, Rose. So how about you tell me what you actually want, hm?"

Rose's body language shifted, and her tone followed suit. "I want to live," she said, her honesty seemingly painful. "I have a specific skillset not being utilized much anymore, and I have no desire to die at the hands of the various enemies my father had collected through life."

So, that was it. Ever since Deathstroke had died during his war against the League of Shadows, the sharks smelt blood and went hunting. They divided Deathstroke's territories, bartered for his contracts and contacts, but most interestingly they wanted his ultimate weapon.


If she gives her loyalty to a group, they will cease the hunt. Especially, if it is a powerful and well-based group as the League of Shadows.

"Fine, you're hired." Jason grunted. "I'll give umi a call and have her contact you. Now, scram!"

Rose smirked seductively, before jumping off the rooftop and swinging away from him. Not even five minutes later, Nightwing landed beside Red Ghoul with a frown on his face. The two of them had been tracking a lead to find Tim, when Red Ghoul had parted ways with Nightwing to confront Ravager, who had been following them for the last hour.

"What was that all about?" Nightwing questioned his little brother.

Red Ghoul scoffed, putting his gun away. "A job interview."

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