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The quaint café in the heart of Rome exuded a warm, inviting aroma of freshly baked pastries and the rich fragrance of coffee. The bell above the door jingled as Talia al Ghul entered the charming establishment. Her presence commanded respect, and the air seemed to subtly shift as she scanned the room. Seated at a cozy corner table, Jason eagerly awaited his mother's arrival. He glanced up from his tiramisu as the door chimed, a genuine smile playing on his lips as Talia made her way towards him. She wore an air of grace, her every movement calculated and deliberate.

"Umi," Jason greeted, rising to his feet as Talia approached. They exchanged warm embrace, as Talia took the seat opposite Jason, her piercing gaze softening ever so slightly.

The ambiance of the café provided an intimate setting for their meeting. Soft light spilled through lace-curtained windows, casting a gentle glow on the delicate pastries that adorned the display. The retired couple behind the counter, longtime allies of the League of Shadows, discreetly observed the mother and son reunion.

Jason resumed his seat, savoring the sweet, caramelized flavor of the tarte tatin. "How's league business?" he inquired, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Talia delicately set aside her pistachio cannoli, her fingers adorned with intricate rings. "As efficient as ever, my dear," she replied, her tone carrying a blend of pride and authority. "Arianne sends her regards. She's been handling matters exceptionally well in your absence."

Arianne, the granddaughter of the café's owners and Jason's reliable ally, had seamlessly stepped into the intricate dance of league affairs. Talia's eyes gleamed with a maternal affection that seldom surfaced in the public eye.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Talia delicately took a sip of her coffee before leaning in slightly. "Jason," she began, her voice dripping with playful mockery, "sending Rose Wilson my way? Quite bold of you." Her lips curled into a teasing smirk, clearly enjoying the moment.

Caught off guard, Jason's cheeks flushed a subtle shade of crimson. He took a moment, swirling the remaining tea in his cup before meeting Talia's gaze. "Well," he started, his voice betraying a hint of defensiveness, "Rose has her... assets." He stumbled over his words, searching for the right way to convey his intentions.

Talia arched an eyebrow, her expression one of amused skepticism. "Assets, you say?" she questioned, her tone suggesting she wasn't entirely convinced.

Jason cleared his throat, straightening up in his chair. "Look, Rose may come with... complications," he conceded, choosing his words carefully. "But she's strong, skilled, and has a score to settle. She'll be a valuable addition to the League. Besides," he added, meeting Talia's gaze with renewed determination, "she knows she needs us. With her father's allies and enemies on her trail, she's safer with the League's protection."

Talia leaned back, her demeanor shifting to one of contemplation. After a moment of thoughtful silence, she offered a nod of acknowledgment. "Valid points," she conceded, her voice carrying a note of approval. "You will be happy to know that Nyssa has taken her under her wing, and she'll be overseeing Nika's training."

A sense of relief washed over Jason's features, grateful for his mother's understanding and strategic insight. "That's good to hear," he replied, allowing himself a moment of contentment.

The warmth between mother and son was palpable, the underlying currents of their relationship evident in the gentle exchanges and shared glances. Talia's eyes sparkled with genuine pride as she regarded Jason, her voice softening with maternal affection.

"Congratulations on your awards, abni," she said, her tone rich with admiration. "Your success does not surprise me, but it delights me nonetheless."

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