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In the Batcave, Red Ghoul, found himself in a mix of feelings. The place brought back memories, both good and bad, and it felt overwhelming. The cave's lights played on his mask, creating shadows like the chaos in his mind. The Batcave used to be his home, but now it felt like a burden, tugging at his emotions.

Looking at the Robin uniform, stained with blood, reminded him of his past life. The red and green colors were symbols of a time when he fought alongside Batman as a kid, a time he hated. Even with the Joker gone, the scars of his past were too fresh. Jason struggled with two conflicting images of himself — the "Good Soldier" and the "Child Soldier." The title of the "Good Soldier" felt forced upon him, and the burden of being remembered for his tragic death was too much to bear.

So, he ran. He ran until he couldn't anymore.

"I'm not a Good Soldier," Jason muttered to himself in the echoing tunnels.

His bitterness showed the resentment he felt towards a destiny he didn't choose, shaped by others. The realization hit him hard. The term "Child Soldier" weighed on his conscience, acknowledging the twisted path he was forced to take in his early years. The Justice League, with good intentions, allowed a culture that made young heroes a normal part of dangerous vigilante work. This reality disgusted Jason.

As he navigated the tunnels out of the Batcave, urgency marked his steps. The cave's walls felt like they were closing in, making the suffocating feeling worse. Footsteps echoed, a haunting reminder of the legacy he wanted to escape. Emerging into the open night, away from the Batcave's confines, each step lightened the load on his chest. The city lights glowed, and the night felt like a fresh start. He was no longer tied to symbols of his past, free from the capes and cowls that once defined him.

"Focus Jason," the Red Ghoul hissed under his breath. "You can do this. Just focus on what's important and do your duty. Don't let fucking Batman get in your way." He looked down at the rooftop he was perched on and gazed upon the busy streets of his beloved Gotham City. "You came here for the Court of Owl, not the Bats. So, let's find them and show them why they should never go against the Al Ghuls."

Jason moved through the dark streets of Gotham, feeling the weight of the night in the air. The city was a mix of shadows and bright neon lights, creating an eerie atmosphere. His footsteps echoed in the quiet alleys as he headed to the heart of the city's hidden power—the Court of Owls. Just hearing their name scared both criminals and heroes. The Court operated secretly, controlling Gotham with a ruthlessness that matched the worst villains.

Finding a good spot, Jason set up his stakeout, perched high like a ghost overlooking the grand buildings that hid the Court. The night stretched endlessly, and the cold wind carried the city's secrets. Gotham, with its tall buildings and winding streets, had a heartbeat of its own, pulsing with the hidden actions of those in the shadows.

Inside Jason, a storm of conflicting feelings brewed. Anger from his past injustices simmered, and determination, fueled by scars on his body and soul, pushed him for revenge. Gotham, known for betrayal and redemption, set the stage for his relentless pursuit. Watching the Court's movements, Jason's mind worked sharp and focused. His goal wasn't just to face them but to break their web of influence. The stakes were high, danger was real, but the Red Ghoul embraced the role of the hunter, ready to expose those who thought they were untouchable.

As the night went on, Jason kept his watch. The moon watched the struggles below, casting its silver light on the city. The stakes were high, shadows were deep, but the Red Ghoul, tied to Gotham's fabric, stood strong.


The Batcave was silent after Batman left in a hurry. Nightwing, Robin, Spoiler, and Black Bat exchanged confused looks. The loud slam of the door signaled the end of a tense meeting. Once the clock-door was sealed, the Bat Family was left with a lot of questions. Nightwing, usually the glue holding them together, looked frustrated. Robin, known for his problem-solving skills, had a furrowed brow. Spoiler, always skeptical, raised an eyebrow at the closed door. Black Bat, ever alert, stayed on guard.

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