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Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful year and the next one is greater!

The news hit hard, leaving Jason and Roy reeling. Batman was dead. Panic took hold, and everything around them seemed to blur as the weight of the loss settled on their shoulders.

Roy's mind raced with worry for Dick, one of his closest friends. How could he support him through this? Batman wasn't just a mentor; he was Dick's dad. The thought of Dick facing this grief again, losing another father figure, left Roy feeling helpless.

As Roy struggled with his own turmoil, Jason was dealing with his own emotional storm. He had purposely distanced himself from Batman, steering clear of the cape and cowl. Yet, Bruce's death hit him harder than he expected. He was flooded with questions, none of which he could answer. Why did this hurt so much? How would he cope with the void left by a father he had consciously avoided?

The conflicting emotions inside Jason felt like a storm. The decision to keep his distance from Batman had been a way to protect himself from their complicated relationship. But now, faced with the reality of Bruce's death, the walls Jason had built seemed to crumble. The grief he thought he had moved past hit him with a force he hadn't anticipated.

Roy's words landed heavily on Jason as the reality of Batman's sacrifice set in. The room felt thick with grief and disbelief, with each of Roy's words digging deeper into Jason's heart.

"Bats... he went out fighting," Roy said, his voice a mix of sorrow and admiration. "They were up against Darkseid, and things went south fast."

Roy went on to describe the events at Command D, and the tension in the room grew thick. Jason's jaw tightened as he listened, picturing Batman breaking free and using the Radion bullet with the kind of determination only the Dark Knight could muster.

"He got Darkseid with that Radion bullet," Roy continued, his gaze fixed on Jason. "But Darkseid wasn't going down easy. Used his Omega Beams. It was quick. Batman took one for the team."

The finality of Roy's words lingered, leaving Jason struggling with a wave of emotions. Panic threatened to overwhelm him as he faced the reality of Bruce's death. The internal battle escalated, pushing him close to a panic attack. The vulnerability he felt was intense, and the realization that Bruce was gone made Jason question his own emotional defenses.

"But his sacrifice... it wasn't for nothing," Roy added, nodding solemnly. "Wonder Woman took down Darkseid, finished what Bats started. Not sure Bats would have liked her killing in his name... but at least Earth is safe from Apokolips. Superman brought his body back to Wayne Manor."

Jason's gaze dropped to the floor, his fists clenching at his sides. The silence that followed was heavy with the weight of loss and the stark reality of a world without Batman. The void in Gotham, in the Justice League, and in Jason's heart felt more pronounced than ever.

Roy, sensing Jason's turmoil, offered a supportive look. "I'm here for you, Jay."

The sound of a ball hitting the floor broke the heavy silence in the backyard, catching Jason and Roy's attention. They turned to see Damian standing there, his grip on the ball slack. Shock mirrored in Damian's eyes, reflecting the disbelief that Jason and Roy felt. Billy and Lian stood frozen, confusion and concern etched on their faces. Damian, however, seemed to bear the weight of the revelation most acutely. His small frame shook, and his usually sharp eyes were filled with a vulnerability that struck deep.

"Father can't be dead," Damian whispered, his voice barely audible but filled with denial. His gaze locked onto Jason and Roy, searching for confirmation or reassurance that this was all a terrible mistake.

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