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The rest of the night had gone pretty tense, and Constantine had even managed to make it to the kitchen before Jason to get breakfast started. He was just putting the racks of bacon in the oven when Jason came up the stairs, then turned and did a double take.

"John?" Jason asked, as if not quite sure what he was seeing.

"Morning, kiddo. Just putting the bacon in, I already cracked the eggs and they're ready to scramble, once the bacon gets halfway. I was debating on pancakes or some French toast, or, since I put the hash browns in already, just regular toast? "

"Uh, I think toast is the way to go." Jason said, eyes locked on John, who was pulling a cup out and pouring tea before fixing it the way he knew Jason liked it, he sat it on the counter towards him and then turned to pull a couple loafs of bread out and sat them by the toaster. He also grabbed the eggs out and a bowl of freshly shredded cheese.

Eyes still not leaving Constantine, Jason cautiously grabbed the tea and took a sip. Eyes wide, he found a stool and sat down to watch, clearly confused. John took the large skillet out and set it to heat, hitting it with a shot of olive oil and then throwing in a couple pats of butter. He sat a couple big bowls on the counter, and then checked both the hash browns, giving them a flip, and the bacon. One tray he pulled out entirely and then sprinkled just a little brown sugar on the bacon, before shoving it back in. Once that was done, he snagged the big whisk, gave it a quick rinse, and then began whisking the eggs.

Jason watched the entire thing, eyes wide. Constantine gave the eggs a once over then nodded to himself, satisfied that they were ready before he dripped one drop in the pan and nodded again when it hissed and cooked up quickly. He turned the heat down some and then poured the eggs in. Jason was just opening his mouth to stop John from using the metal spatula he had picked up from beside the stove, but Constantine turned and dropped it into the sink and grabbed the heat proof silicon spatula and started scraping through the eggs, constantly turning the pan, and moving the eggs from side to side, until he was satisfied with the results. He scooped about a third of the scrambled eggs into one bowl, and then quickly sprinkled the shredded cheese in and moved the eggs again, letting them cook maybe thirty more seconds, before everything left in the pan was slid into the second bowl.

He dropped a large domed lid over each bowl and left them on the counter before he stepped over and started making toast. "Was anyone else up, do you think?"

"Uh, Dami and Billy are already at Nanda Parbat Academy for Magic, and Roy is taking Lian to school." Jason grimaced. "Roy wanted to spend some extra time with Lian, as the kids won't be coming back to the house for a while. The children will be staying some time at the dormitories at the academy until we get this situation sorted out. They will be apparating to class until is safer, better that way."

"Good idea," Constantine whistled to a tune as he continued making breakfast.

They could then hear the door opening and Roy make his way towards the kitchen. The archer stopped by the door and watch the scene with wide eyes. Roy slowly settled into the seat next to Jason. John made him a cup of coffee and grabbed a bottle of juice for Jason, who had finished his tea.

"He can cook?" Roy whispered to his boyfriend, shocked.

"I know!" Jason hissed back, breaking out of his disbelief.

"Of course, I can cook! I've been able to cook since before either of you had been born!" Constantine grumbled. "Now eat your breakfast! We've got a lot to plan!"

All three of them had breakfast in silence, until Roy spoke up. He turned to his boyfriend, with a puzzled expression, finally voicing the question that had been bothering him since this whole ordeal had begun.

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