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Dick pleaded with Jason; his tone tinged with urgency. "Jason, you have to understand. Bruce needs to see you. He needs to know that you're alive."

Jason's response was laced with bitterness. "And what? Get a lecture from the big Bat about how I screwed up or how I should have stayed dead?"

"It won't be like that, Jay," Dick countered, his voice softening. "Bruce cares about you. He's been grieving for you all this time. He needs closure."

"Closure?" Jason scoffed. "Yeah, well, I needed closure too, Dick. But I didn't get that luxury when I woke up in that coffin."

Dick flinched at the reminder; his face etched with pain at the thought of his Little Wing suffering like that. "I know, Jason. I know it's been rough. But keeping yourself hidden isn't going to solve anything."

Jason sighed, a mixture of frustration and resignation evident in his voice. "Look, Dick, I appreciate what you're trying to do. But I'm not ready to face Bruce yet. Not until he can accept the truth."

"What truth?" Dick inquired, genuinely curious.

"That I'm back. That I'm alive. And that it's not some sick joke or illusion," Jason replied, his words heavy with emotion.

"You know Bruce," Dick reasoned. "He's not going to believe it until he sees it with his own eyes."

"Then let him see the evidence," Jason suggested. "Let him look through the data, the reports, whatever it takes to convince him."

"Fine," Dick relented. "But promise me you'll consider talking to him eventually. He needs you, Jay. We all do."

"I'll think about it," Jason conceded. "But for now, I need some space. And Bruce needs to come to terms with reality before we can have any kind of reunion."

"Alright, Jason. I understand," Dick said, a sense of understanding in his voice. Dick hesitated before broaching the subject. "So, are you planning to take Damian and Billy with you back to Fawcett City?"

Jason nodded; his expression resolute. "Yeah, I will. I'd rather not have their first impression of Bruce be him going all Batman paranoid on them, accusing them of being spies or trying to infiltrate his family."

Dick winced at the thought, knowing all too well Bruce's tendency to jump to conclusions. "Yeah, I get that. Bruce can be... intense."

"Intense is one way to put it," Jason remarked dryly, a hint of bitterness in his tone.

Dick sighed, understanding Jason's concerns. "I'll talk to Bruce, make sure he understands. He needs to know that Damian and Billy are innocent bystanders in all of this."

Jason's expression softened, appreciative of Dick's understanding. "Thanks, Dick. I appreciate it."

"What about you? Are you truly, okay?" Dick continued.

Jason shrugged, a mask of indifference slipping over his features. "I'll manage. Just need to keep moving forward."

"You don't have to do it alone, Jay," Dick reminded him gently. "We're all here for you."

Jason offered a small, grateful smile. "I know. And I appreciate that."

Dick reached out, squeezing Jason's shoulder in a gesture of support. "Take care of yourself, okay? And let me know if you need anything."

"I will," Jason promised, returning the gesture. "Thanks, Dick."

Dick turned back to Jason, a curious expression on his face. "Oh, before I forget, what's in the letter you wanted me to pass to Bruce?"

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