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The battle erupted in a whirlwind of spells and curses, the air crackling with magical energy. Constantine and Jason moved in tandem, their movements fluid and precise as they fought to push Batman away from the line of fire.

"Orbis!" Jason shouted, sending a jet of light toward the child of Chorozone. But she was quick, deflecting the spell with a flick of her hand, conjuring a protective shield with a swift Protego.

Meanwhile, Constantine unleashed a Blasting Curse, aiming to disorient their opponent. But the child of Chorozone was agile, dodging the explosion with a dancer's grace. In retaliation, she cast a powerful Petrificus Totalus, aiming to immobilize Constantine.

But Jason was there in an instant, countering with a Finite Incantatem to break the binding spell. The magical energy crackled in the air as the two forces clashed, each side refusing to back down.

Constantine gritted his teeth, his eyes blazing with determination as he unleashed another barrage of curses. "Stupefy!" he yelled, sending a jet of red light streaking toward their adversary.

The child of Chorozone barely had time to react, throwing up a Shield Charm to deflect the incoming spell. But Jason was already on the move, flanking her from the side.

"Expulso!" he cried, casting a spell to create a small explosion at her feet. The blast sent her stumbling backward, momentarily off balance.

With a fierce roar, Batman lunged forward, joining the fray with a ferocity that caught their opponent off guard. His fists flew in a blur of motion, striking with the precision of a seasoned warrior. But the child of Chorozone was no ordinary foe. With a flick of her hand, she conjured ropes of darkness to ensnare Batman, binding him in place.

Jason and Constantine exchanged sly grins as they saw Batman ensnared by the dark tendrils. It was a risky move, but they both knew that Batman's interference could jeopardize their chances of defeating the child of Chorozone.


So, they left Batman to his fate and redirected their focus back to the battle, determined to overcome their adversary once and for all.

"Incendio!" Jason shouted, sending a ball of fire hurtling toward the child of Chorozone. She tried to dodge, but the spell grazed her, causing her to scream in agony as the flames seared her side.

In retaliation, she unleashed the dreaded Crucio, the Cruciatus Curse, a spell known for its torturous effects. Constantine reacted swiftly, interjecting with an Aguamenti spell, conjuring a stream of water to break the child of Chorozone's concentration.

Seizing the momentary distraction, Jason wasted no time. With a determined expression, he cast Bombarda Maxima, unleashing a powerful explosion spell that rocked the abandoned building. The force of the blast sent debris flying in all directions, momentarily disorienting their opponent. Jason and Constantine pressed their advantage, launching a coordinated attack to keep her on the defensive.

But the child of Chorozone was resilient, her dark magic swirling around her like a cloak of shadows. With a snarl of frustration, she countered their spells with blasts of her own, each one more powerful than the last. Despite the odds stacked against them, Jason and Constantine fought with unwavering resolve, drawing upon every ounce of their magical prowess to keep the child of Chorozone at bay. As the battle raged on, the abandoned building echoed with the sounds of their spells colliding.

With a cry of rage, the child of Chorozone unleashed the deadliest curse of all - "Avada Kedavra!" The Killing Curse streaked toward Jason, its green light burning with malevolent intent. Acting on instinct, Jason summoned a pile of debris before them, intercepting the curse just in time.

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