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Heavy breathing was heard throughout the kitchen as Jason and Roy pulled away from each other after a steamy makeout session. The younger of the two smirked as he noticed how swollen the older's lips had become, coupled with the rosy blush staining his face, he looked positively delectable.

"You just love being taken advantage of, don't you?" Jason asked, caressing a pink-stained cheek with a curious expression on his face.

Roy rolled his eyes but gave him a small smile. "I sincerely have no idea what you mean," He teased, trailing a finger up and down Jason's cheek in amusement.

Jason raised an eyebrow at that then turned his face to the side to be able to pull Roy's lone finger into his mouth causing said guy's eyes to widen comically. Roy stared into Jason's eyes as he proceeded to suck and tease his finger until he was thoroughly satisfied with the dazed expression on Roy's face; his lower lip trembled as Jason pulled his finger from his mouth with a lewd 'pop' before reconnecting their lips once more.

Moaning into his mouth, Roy buried his hands in Jason's hair as a bid to keep their lips connected longer; he steadfastly allowed Jason's tongue access into his mouth and began playing with the wet muscle, gaining pleased groans from Jason whose hands had slithered down his back and were now cupping his arse cheeks.

Finally, it was the sound of a cough which broke them apart. Roy's lips were shiny with saliva and there was a thin trail connecting him and Jason which said man broke when he turned around to look at who interrupted them. Jason immediately rolled his eyes upon seeing John Constantine by the door of their kitchen laughed at their behavior.

"Having fun, luvs?" John inquired in amusement; his English accent thick.

Roy laughed, before he slapped Jason on the chest. "Go, you need to apparate Billy and Damian to Metropolis, they had a skateboarding and art competition to get to. I'll see what this imbecile needs."

"Imbecile? You've been spending too much time with Damian," Jason laughed, before magically popping away from the kitchen.

Roy looked at John uncomfortably, he had never been in a room alone with the drunkard warlock. Constantine normally talks business with Red Ghoul, and Nightwing when it comes to Titans business. "Would you like something to drink?"

"A pint," John grunted, before stomping towards the living room and slumping into the leather armchair.

Roy sighed and got two cold beers from the fridge before following the older man to the living room. He gave John his pint and sat on the sofa. The two of them remained in silence as they waited for Jason to come back from Metropolis. Though, Roy noticed the glances that Constantine kept sending him from time to time, which were starting to unnerve the archer. Constantine mostly never cared for anyone or anything that did not involve magic, so why was he interested in Roy so suddenly.

"Have you ever helped him during his missions?" John asked Roy, who turned to him in surprise by his sudden interest.

"Did you ever assist him during his missions?" John inquired of Roy, who turned towards him, taken aback by the sudden interest.

Roy cautiously nodded. "Yes, Arsenal and Red Ghoul often collaborate on missions worldwide. It's quite beneficial to have someone capable of healing with a mere gesture of his wand. I can also replenish his energy when he's running low, aiding him in casting spells to extricate us from difficult situations."

Roy is enveloped in Jason's magic, a subtle red glow weaving around him in intricate patterns, embracing his form, gently touching his skin, and illuminating him from within. The magic moves with a fluid grace, indicating a deep connection between Roy and Jason, where Roy has willingly shared his power and energy, leaving no barriers between them. Jason's magic has thoroughly infused Roy, yet miraculously, their companions have not seemed to notice. John wonders if Jason himself is aware of the extent to which his magic has intertwined with Roy's, subtly transferring with every spell, lingering with every night spent under Jason's protection, and leaving an indelible mark with each healing touch. It seems Roy opened himself so completely to Jason that his magic naturally intertwined with Roy's, binding them together inextricably.

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