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Nanda Parbat, tucked away in the Himalayas, felt like it was bending the rules of nature itself. When Billy arrived, he was struck by the sheer beauty and mystery that surrounded him.

The air was cool and fresh, with the invigorating scent of wildflowers. Every breath felt revitalizing, as if the atmosphere was infused with life itself. In the distance, he could hear a river flowing, adding a soothing background to the scene.

The landscape was like a painter's dream. Snow-capped peaks towered above, seemingly reaching the sky, while green valleys spread out below. The mountains seemed to cradle Nanda Parbat, protecting its sanctity.

The monastery, an architectural marvel, clung to the side of one of the smaller peaks. Its design blended perfectly with the natural surroundings. Ornate carvings decorated its walls, telling stories from ancient legends and myths.

Billy couldn't help but admire the vibrant colors of the monastery. Rich reds, emerald greens, and shimmering golds stood out against the calm white of the snow-capped mountains. The buildings seemed to glow with an energy that felt ancient and wise.

As he wandered deeper into Nanda Parbat, he noticed the prayer flags gently rustling in the breeze. Their colorful streamers carried blessings in the wind, adding a magical touch to the scenery. Each flag reflected the deep spiritual devotion of the people living there.

The locals moved gracefully through the valley, their dark clothing creating a striking contrast against the natural beauty around them. Billy felt the strong sense of community and unity that connected them.

But what truly stole Billy's heart were the gardens. Nanda Parbat was a haven of botanical wonders, with beautifully tended gardens bursting with colors and fragrances. Exotic flowers from all over the world thrived here, their petals sparkling with dewdrops. He was in awe of the gardeners' artistry in creating this paradise.

"That was my first reaction of this place as well," Jason chuckled, when he noticed how affected Billy was by the beauty of Nanda Parbat. "Once my mind was healed and I had realized where I was, it left me wondering how a place that trained so many people to kill could be filled with so much life. It was almost as if life was breathed back into us." Jason hummed with a thoughtful expression. "Maybe that was why so many shadows remained here, even if it meant being under the tyranny of Ra's al Ghul."

Before Billy could even reply, Damian was rushing past through them and throwing himself into the arms of the most beautiful woman Billy had ever laid his eyes upon. "Umi!"

"Oh, my prince, I've missed you so much," the woman, Talia al Ghul, wrapped her arms around Damian and held him close to her chest. "Has your akhi been taking good care of you?"

"The very best!" Damian beamed at her.

Even after a couple of years outside of the control of Ra's, Damian still behaved more maturely than his age. The only times he allowed himself to drop his shields were around the Kents, his brothers, and his mother. And it was such a beautiful sight! Damian's smile could light up a room. Just like his father, his mere presence could command the attention of everyone.

Talia smiled fondly at her son, caressing his cheeks gently. "I am so glad to hear that." She looked up, her gaze soft as she looked at her other two sons. Who would have thought that she, Talia al Ghul, would one day become the mother of three? "Jason, abni, come here."

"Umi," Jason smiled, stepping closer to allow her to embrace him as well, as Damian went to greet his aunt, Nyssa al Ghul. "I've heard from my squad about your success but seeing you safe and sound is a balm to my heart."

"Did you ever doubt our success?" Talia teased her son, holding his face between her hands gently. "Who trained you, my boy?"

"You did," Jason chuckled. "And no, I never doubted you kicking that bastard's ass. But I still worry, I am your son after all."

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