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A/N: Ethereal Echoes of Hill House is based on the book The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. I saw the loosely based miniseries directed by Mike Flanagan for Netflix and I knew I had to add it to my story. Watch it if you can! Hope you like it!


The night was filled with an aura of anticipation and excitement as the prestigious book premiere of Ethereal Echoes of Hill House by author Jason Alexander Head drew near. The event took place in a beautifully adorned ballroom, dimly lit by elegant chandeliers and soft, ambient lighting that gave the space an enchanting atmosphere. The walls were adorned with dark, vintage book covers that set the tone for the evening.

Jason was the star of the night. He stood near the entrance, greeting the guests as they arrived. Dressed in an exquisite black suit, he had a welcoming smile that concealed a hint of mystery and intrigue. His book had garnered attention well before its release due to its cryptic title and the reputation of his previous books.

Damian, his youngest brother, had created the book cover, and it was a masterpiece. The cover featured a hauntingly beautiful mansion with creeping vines, a foreboding aura of mist, and a moon that cast an eerie glow upon the scene. The mansion itself seemed to be a character, its windows like watchful eyes, and its doors like open maws.

Billy was by Damian's side, dressed in a tailored suit that made him appear older than his years. He clearly hated the suit and felt uncomfortable, like any other boy his age that had not been raised by Talia al Ghul, but Jason was touched by Billy's effort.

Nyssa and Talia had arrived together. They were dressed in matching gowns, one gold and another green, that exuded a powerful and commanding presence. The al Ghul women had an air of sophistication that commanded respect, and it was clear that the event was a family affair- even if most people were unaware of the connection between the two women and the Head brothers. Following closely behind was Nika, in a delightful silver dress. The young girl made a beeline towards Damian and Billy, the young trio having decided to spend the night together as the adults mingled.

As the guests mingled, they couldn't help but feel the electrifying energy in the room. The anticipation for Jason's book was palpable. The night was filled with conversations about the book's potential to redefine horror literature and how Jason's unique storytelling would captivate readers. The drinks flowed freely, and the room hummed with discussions about the artistry of Damian's book cover.

Esperanza, Jason's editor, and the Head Editor for the Horror Genre took the stage to deliver her opening speech. She greeted the audience with a warm smile and a touch of humor, setting a lighthearted tone for the night. "Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, and welcome to this special occasion," she began, her voice projecting with confidence. "I must say, working with authors can sometimes be... well, let's call it an adventure. But I'm here to tell you that, in all my years in the publishing industry, Jason Head has been the least worrisome author under my care." The audience chuckled, and Jason grinned in response.

She continued, "Unlike most authors, Jason has been a delight to work with. Punctual, cooperative, and, might I add, exceptionally talented. It's not every day you come across an author who brings both art and discipline to their work." There was an appreciative murmur from the crowd, acknowledging Jason's dedication.

Esperanza's gaze shifted to Damian as she expressed her gratitude for his contribution. "And a special thank you to Damian, whose hauntingly beautiful cover art for Ethereal Echoes of Hill House has perfectly encapsulated the essence of the book. It's a rare gift to find an artist who can so masterfully translate a story's soul onto its cover." She offered Damian a nod of appreciation, and the audience broke into applause.

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