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Jason lounged in his favorite armchair, nestled within the comforting walls of his Fawcett City home. The remnants of half a year had swiftly passed, marking the end of another semester. Absorbed in grading the papers from the recent finals, he marveled at the speed with which time had slipped through his fingers. The quietude of the room was broken by the creak of the front door, announcing Roy's return from his latest mission with the Titans.

Jason looked up, setting aside the stack of papers, as Roy entered. The archer proceeded to shed the remnants of his mission – bow and blades carefully hung on a bespoke rack that Jason had crafted, followed by the quiver, and then the heavy patrol leathers. Boots, now untied, found a place on a meticulously spelled tray beneath the small entry table.

Roy, stripped down to his comfortable underclothing, moved silently towards Jason. A kiss planted on Jason's brow marked the beginning of the disarming routine, and Jason didn't hide the appreciative gaze that lingered on Roy's form. From bare feet to the thin black shirt hugging his athletic frame, Roy exuded a tenderness that seemed incongruous with the formidable archer of the Titans. In this moment, he was Jason's gentle boy, eclipsing the deadly efficiency and strategic brilliance that had established Roy as one of the most influential heroes of their generation.

The stillness of the house was punctuated only by the crackling of burning logs in a conjured fireplace by Jason's side. The night's crispness yielded to the warmth of the cheerful hearth, illuminating the papers scattered around Jason. Roy, draped only in the loose underclothing, wrapped his arms around Jason's shoulders in a loose hug. A contented hum escaped Jason as Roy nuzzled the top of his head, inhaling the sandalwood scent of Jason's shampoo. Limbs gradually loosened, and soon, Jason found himself with a boneless, contented archer draped over him like a particularly lethal blanket.

The quietude persisted, broken only by the muted rustle of papers in Jason's lap as he resumed grading. Roy remained still, his embrace providing a sense of tranquility that permeated the room. Jason wondered if his partner had managed to fall asleep standing up. The room, imbued with warmth from the fire, exuded a calm stillness, making the task of grading papers feel like a gentle, almost meditative, activity.

After grading a fifth paper in a flurry, Jason felt a subtle movement from the impromptu pillow atop his head. Roy had succumbed to an impromptu slumber. As Jason continued with his grading, the peaceful quiet was occasionally interrupted by a yawn, followed by the warm press of Roy's kisses – a butterfly kiss on the back of his neck, another on the corner of his ear. Alexander, nestled against Jason, tightened his arms in a comfortable embrace, chin resting in the curve between neck and shoulder. The warmth of Roy's cheek against the scruff on Jason's own prompted a shiver of arousal. Gradually losing interest in the papers that still awaited his attention, Jason found himself immersed in the gentle intimacy of the night, cherishing the tranquil moments spent with the archer draped over him.

Jason smiled and turned his face to kiss Roy's cheek. "Hey, you made it back in one piece. How was the mission with the Titans?"

"It was okay, nothing too crazy. Bad guy's behind bars, and we all walked away in one piece. You know, the usual." Roy, still draped over Jason, answered. "How were the kids?"

"Oh, you know, the kids are doing great." Jason replied fondly. "Damian and Billy aced their midterms – straight Outstandings. And Lian pulled an A+ in English."

"Yeah, my little prodigies. Damian's probably planning world domination already." Roy yawned. "Speaking of English, Lian's got your talent, pulling off that A+. Should've seen that one coming, Prof."

"Well, it runs in the family." Jason chuckled, leaning into Roy's embrace. "They're something. Thanks for asking, though. How about you? Any heroic archery feats today?"

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