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For the next four days, Rosalie spends most of her time in bed, recovering from her injury. It turns out it wasn't as bad as she had thought, but it still required her to rest as much as possible, something that both Chantria and Bassel made a point of reminding her every time she tried to get up.

Every day, Chantria comes and changes her bandages, with the help of little Fay who's learning how to care for injuries, brings her food and spends some time talking to her, but for the most part just leaves her to rest.

After the initial shock, Rosalie had come to like these people and tried to help in any way she could, but every time she tried to get up from the bed, Rosalie would be ushered back down and told to just rest.

Fay began feeling more at easy around Rosalie and had become her companion, and Rosalie was more than thankful to have someone to talk to, even if their conversations were mostly of Rosalie telling her bedtime stories her mother used to tell her when she was little, or playing with her dolls. Rosalie made a mental note to return in the future and bring a few more dolls for the little girl.

Rosalie is following Bassel back to the cabin, after collecting some wood, while remembering the last few days and she knows she has to find a way to repay them for their kindness, even if Chantria has already refused any sort of payment for it.

Rosalie knows that the only reason why she's now back on her feet and fully recovered is because of them, that if Fay hadn't found her and Bassel hadn't taken a chance on a complete stranger, she would still be laying on the forest floor near that beaten down path, most likely dead.

Placing the wood near the fire, she knows the time to leave has come, as much as she hates to say goodbye.


-"Yes, Miss Rosalie?"

-"I was wondering, do you know of any Ring addresses that you could maybe tell me?"

-"Of course. There are a few that I know it will be safe for you to go to. We have done trade on a number of different planets, so there are a couple I can give you. I will give them to you after dinner."

-"Thank you Bassel."

Rosalie smiles at him, grateful not only for the new addresses but for saving her life. She wants to tell him how much it means to her that they would do that, but their conversation is cut short by a very energetic Fay who wants Rosalie to come play with her, something that Rosalie will never say no to.

The next morning, Rosalie stands near the DHD, not entirely ready to say goodbye, but knows she needs to, in order to keep them all safe. She hugs them all and thanks them deeply for saving her life before promising she will return.

As she dials one of the addresses Bassel gave her, she feels the tears threatening to spill. She shakes her head and smiles at them before walking to the gate. Rosalie looks back one last time and waves them goodbye, knowing that she will see them again. She doesn't know when, but she will.

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